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Seo Master present to you:

Becoming a parent will make your life incredibly, significantly busier - no doubt about that. I grew up in a large family so there was always some sort of chaos with the younger kids. If it be potty training, what they needed to eat, cleaning up after them, making sure they were doing their homework, or whatever else, there is always something to do. Although there is good news and there is help! If you know where to look, there are many tools available to help you with your kids. Here are a few apps that can offer some help to a parent in need.

1.) Fooducate

Not only can this app be helpful to you and help you lose weight, but if you're concerned about what your child is eating this app is just for you. In this app you able to grade you food and tell you whats really in it. You can scan a product and then it will tell you the real ingredients and how healthy it really is, and then give you a healthier option of what you could eat. This has the largest market available of UPCs with over 200,000 products ad more being added. This app was rated as the number one iPhone Health and Fitness category in the Apple App Store, 1st Prize in US Surgeon General Healthy App Challenge, and was even featured on Oprah, ABC, FOX, and others. This is a fantastic app for anyone wanting to keep a close eye on what they eat and what they're feeding their children.

2.) alarm.com

This app is great for anyone with a family. What this app does is it links up to your home security systems and allows you to monitor and control every part of your home security system from the app. You can control the lights, unlock or lock the doors, control the thermostat, and even set up certain wall plugs to be turned on or off from the app. So if you accidentally left your curling iron on you could turn off the wall plug from your app. This app is perfect for anyone that has babysitters as well. The app can also link up to any home security cameras you have so you could keep a close eye on you kids and your babysitter at all times.

3.) 2Do: Tasks Done in Style

Moms are known for their multitasking, but all that mental energy and trying to remember everything can bring on a lot of stress and frustration. With this app you can sync all of your to-do lists in one place. This app can go from a simple checklist - to a huge project manager. It's incredibly easy to use and allows you to prioritize your to-do list so you don't get anything mixed up or misplaced. It can sync from your dropbox, iCloud, Yahoo, and a lot more. You can even tell Siri to remind you of something and it will sync to this app.

Author Bio:
David Michael LeMarr is a musician, blogger, public communicator, and future architect - follow him on Twitter // Facebook // Wordpress.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: SEO Tutorial, kita akan bikin kotak shoutbox (buku tamu) dengan menggunakan fasilitas gratisan yang disediakan oleh oggix.com. Sebenarnya banyak penyedia shoutbox dan mereka memberikannya secara cuma-cuma tapi di tutorial ini kita pilih oggix.com> kenapa? Karena di oggix emang lebih mudah bikin shoutbox (paling tidak itu yang saya rasa). Sebelumnya kita masuk ke http://oggix.com/

untuk masuk dan daftar jadi member dulu, tenang daftarnya gratis ko. Klik register, kemudian isi form yang ada;

* Email/username : (isi dengan alamat email kamu. Alamat email ini sekaligus jadi username buat login di oggix nantinya)
* Password : (kode rahasia -hanya kamu yg tahu-)
* Confirm Password : (ulangi lagi kode rahasia tadi, yang sama ya)
* Name : (isi dengan nama kamu, jangan nama tetangga!)
* Website Title : (isi dengan judul atau tema Blog kamu)
* Website Url : (isi dengan alamat blog kamu yang akan pake shoutbox nantinya)
* Website Description : (Isi dengan penjelasan singkat mengenai Blog kamu, sedikit saja!)
* Country : (pilih negara kamu -Indonesia-)
* Security Code : (kamu liat nomor ? -biasanya tiga digit- ketik ulang di kotak bawahnya)

Setelah semua diisi klik Register dibawahnya.
Ok, tinggal login sekarang; Isi username/alamat email dan passwordnya kemudian klik login. Kita akan bikin shoutbox sekarang.

Setelah masuk ke oggix, kita akan dapetin tool-tool (alat2) disebelah kiri sebagai menu; ada Home, Avatar, Intall Shoutbox dan sebagainya ke bawah.

Karena kita akan bikin Shoutbox maka kita pilih (klik) Install Shoutbox lalu klik HTML Code. Yang kita perlukan hanya lima langkah untuk dapetin shoutbox.

1. Set shoutbox configuration (Menyetel konfigurasi)
2. Choose shoutbox type (Memilih tipe yang kita suka)
3. Choose shoutbox color (Memilih warna)
4. Choose shoutbox template (Memilih tampilan)
5. Copy and paste the HTML codes to your HTML page where you want to put the shoutbox (Dan terakhir copas alias copy-paste ke blogger baru)

1. Set shoutbox configuration (Menyetel konfigurasi)

* Enable Smilies, klik yes jika pengen pake (ikon) smile jika tidak ya klik no.
* Enable Avatar, sama seperti diatas.
* Shoutbox Time, pilih standar waktu tempat kamu tinggal. Jika kamu tinggal di bagian barat wilayah Indonesia pilih "GMT+7 Bangkok, Jakarta"
* TimeStamp, gaya tampilan tanggal dan jam kamu pengen seperti apa? atur aja!
* Flood Control, banyaknya pesan yang ditampilkan di shoutbox sisanya di hide tapi bisa dibuka juga.

Setelah klik next...

2. Choose shoutbox type (Memilih tipe yang kita suka)

Kalo udah nemuin tipe yang serasi alias cocok bin pas ama kita, klik aja Choose Thiss>>nya ga usah ragu dah.

3. Choose shoutbox type (Memilih tipe yang kita suka)

Milih warna kadang gampang kadang susah, tergantung! Warna yang kita pengen ada nggak? Atau justru kita ga tau apa warna yg kita pengen?!? Waaaaah bahaya boss. Ya udah, kira2 pilih warna yang sesuai dengan warna Blog kamu, atau justru pilih warna yang justru ga sesuai dengan warna Blog kamu... Biar kontras gituh! Kan mudah dapet perhatian... Itu semua terserah kamu. Choose This>> Kalo dah nemuin warna yang cocok.

4. Choose shoutbox template (Memilih tampilan)

Memilih tampilan ini berhubungan dengan style kita... dengan gaya dan kepribadian kita! Blogger bilang tampilan shoutbox menggambarkan kepribadian blogger tersebut, wallahu a'lam benar tidaknya, yang jelas jangan salam milih tampilan (tapi ntar dilain waktu bisa di ubah ko, tenang ajah) . Ok seperti biasa Choose This>> kalo dah menemukan tampilan buat shoutbox kamu.

5. Copy and paste the HTML codes to your HTML page where you want to put the shoutbox

Beres sudah... Sekarang tinggal masukkan kode tersebut ke blogger kamu, blogger baru! Caranya? Setelah login ke blogger dengan account google kita klik Layout-Template-Page Element. Lalu klik Add a Page Element di bagian (sidebar) kanan, tunggu sebentar lalu pilih HTML/JavaScript - ADD TO BLOG. Pada Title kita tuliskan "Buku Tamu" atau kata-kata lain yang lebih kamu sukai, misalkan "Jejak Blogger" atau yg lebih formal "Silahkan Tinggalkan Pesan Anda" atau what everlah, terserah kamu ajah. Pada Content, kamu paste kode yang dari oggix tadi.

Ingat: Kodenya jangan diubah-ubah kecuali kamu tahu bagian mana saja yang bisa diubah dan bagian mana yg tidak boleh diubah.

Klik Save . Selesai deh…..
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: form.php
<title>Personal INFO</title>

<?php if($_REQUEST['err']) {?>
<br />
<div style="border:1px solid red;text-align:center;width:600px;margin:auto;color:red;">
    echo $err=$_REQUEST['err'];
<?php } ?>

<?php if($_REQUEST['succes']) {?>
<br />
    <div style="border:1px solid green; background:#00FFCC;text-align:center;width:800px;margin:auto;color:green;">
    echo $succes=$_REQUEST['succes'];
<?php } ?>

<br />
<form method="post" action="form-action.php">
<table  align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC";>

        <td>First Name:</td>
            <td><input type="text" size="12" maxlength="12" name="Fname">
            <td>Last Name:</td>
    <td><input type="text" size="12" maxlength="36" name="Lname">

        <td><input type="hidden"  name="id"></td>
        <td><input type="radio" value="Male" name="gender">Male</td>
        <td><input type="radio" value="Female" name="gender">Female</td>

        <td>Please choose type of residence</td>

        <td><input type="checkbox" value="Burger" name="food[]">Burger</td>
        <td><input type="checkbox" value="Pizza" name="food[]">Pizza</td>
        <td><input type="checkbox" value="Chicken" name="food[]">Chicken</td>

        <td>Your comments:</td>
        <td><textarea rows="5" cols="20" name="quote"></textarea></td>
        <td>Select a Level of Education:</td>
        <td><select name="education">
        <option value="Jr.High">Jr.High</option>
        <option value="HighSchool">HighSchool</option>
        <option value="College">College</option></select></td>

    <td>Select your favorite time of day:</td>
    <select name="TofD" size="3">
    <option value="Morning">Morning</option>
    <option value="Day">Day</option>
    <option value="Night">Night</option></select>
<td><input style="margin-left:150px;"  type="submit" value="login" name="submit"></td></tr>

mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("formexample") or die (mysql_error());

        $Fname = $_POST["Fname"];
        $Lname = $_POST["Lname"];
        $gender = $_POST["gender"];
        $food = $_POST["food"];
        $quote = $_POST["quote"];
        $education = $_POST["education"];
        $TofD = $_POST["TofD"];

                $error="First Name cannot be empty";   
        else if    (empty($Lname))
            $error="Last Name cannot be empty";   
        else if    (empty($gender))
            $error="Gender cannot be empty";   
        else if    (empty($food))
            $error="Food cannot be empty";   
        else if    (empty($quote))
            $error="Quote cannot be empty";   
        else if    (empty($education))
            $error="Education cannot be empty";   
        else if    (empty($TofD))
            $error="Favorite time cannot be empty";   
            $query="insert into form values('','$Fname','$Lname','$gender','$data','$quote','$education','$TofD')";
            $succes = "Succesfuly added your information";
            <body onLoad="document.myform.submit(); ">
            <form name="myform" method="post" action="form.php?&succes=<?php echo $succes; ?>"></form>
        <body onLoad="document.myform.submit(); ">
            <form name="myform" method="post" action="form.php?&err=<?php echo $error; ?>"></form>

</pre>2013, By: Seo Master
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