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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Webmaster Level: All

We provide lots of information for webmasters across many different channels — you can stay up to date with the latest features here on our blog, browse articles in our Help Center, have discussions in our forums (in 17 languages!), watch videos on our YouTube channel, or even read in-depth interviews (in English, Portuguese, and other languages).

There’s no shortage of useful information, but sometimes the relevant bits may be a bit difficult to locate, especially for novice webmasters. We see the same questions popping up over and over again, so we’ve tried to make our most frequently searched information as accessible and visible as possible:
We analysed the questions asked over the past year and a half and identified the issues you are most interested in. We then picked out the relevant bits from across our different resources and collected the answers to those questions in one new convenient FAQ page in our Help Center (available in 20 languages).

We also frequently get questions on how to get in touch with us, so we’ve put together all the different ways you can:
...tell us about a page you want to remove from our search results;
...tell us about spam you found;
...let us know when you’ve fixed issues on your website;
...and many more! All of these contact channels are now listed conveniently in one article with direct links to the relevant forms: Webmaster help and contacts (available from the homepage of our Help Center, also in 20 languages).

Now isn’t that a nice stocking stuffer (-:?
Happy webmastering in 2011, and keep the feedback coming!

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

When we originally launched Sitemaps, we included support for the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) 2.0 protocol, an interoperability framework based on metadata harvesting. In the meantime, however, we've found that the information we gain from our support of OAI-PMH is disproportional to the amount of resources required to support it. Fewer than 200 sites are using OAI-PMH for Google Sitemaps at the moment.

In order to move forward with even better coverage of your websites, we have decided to support only the standard XML Sitemap format by May 2008. We are in the process of notifying sites using OAI-PMH to alert them of the change.

If you have been using OAI-PMH as a Google Sitemap feed, we would love to see you adopt the industry standard XML Sitemap format. This format is supported by all of the major search engines and helps to make sure that everyone is able to find your new and updated content as soon as you make it available.

If you have any questions regarding the move to XML Sitemap files, feel free to post in our Google discussion group for Sitemaps.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
Seo Master present to you:
Belajar SEO Para Pemula adalah kontes SEO yang lombakan untuk para pemula karena terkadang nyali para pemula seperti saya langsung ciut kalau melihat ada master atau orang yang "dianggap" master ikutan kontes SEO yang juga saya ikuti. Kontes ini diadakan oleh ayomaju.com dan infonya bisa lihat di pengumumannya Belajar SEO Para Pemula (Kontes SEO Untuk Para Pemula)bertujuan untuk mencari pemenang saja, melainkan persahabat anatara sesama blogger apalagi yang pemula.

Karena kalau sudah master tidak usah ikutan deh, walaupun hanya sebagai penggembira, Karena kalau mereka ikut nanti yaaaa sama aja para pemulanya akan tersisih. kan ilmunya dah beda, namanya juga master atau dimasterkan? pertanyaan ini hanya untuk yang pemula lho kalau mau ikutan, daftar aja sekarang karena kontes ini akan diadakan mulai 17 mei 2009 sampai dengan 17 Agustus 2009. Lama kan? tapi yang penting ikutan aja karena kontes belajar SEO ini untuk para pemula jadi kita semua punya kesempatan menang.

Belajar SEO Para Pemula

Semoga di kontes Belajar SEO Para Pemula ini menjadi kemengan para pemula, bukan master. karena kalau mater yang manang terus, ya kapan para pemula bisa mencicipi asyiknya bermain SEO. Dan saya sebagai pemula yang baru ikut kontes SEO kaya gini sangat setuju kalau kontes yang kaya ginian sering diadakan :D supaya kami tahu dimana letak kekurangan kami dalam mempelajari SEO. Iya kan?
2013, By: Seo Master
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