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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster level: All

Do you know how Google's crawler, Googlebot, handles conflicting directives in your robots.txt file? Do you know how to prevent a PDF file from being indexed? Do you know Googlebot’s favorite song? The answers to these questions (except for the last one :)), along with lots of other information about controlling the crawling and indexing of your site, are now available on code.google.com:

Controlling crawling and indexing

Now site owners have a comprehensive resource where they can learn about robots.txt files, robots meta tags, and X-Robots-Tag HTTP header directives. Please share your comments, and if you have questions you can post them in our Webmaster Help Forum.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: All

If your website is the authoritative source for the video of a particular TV show, make sure we know about it! Hopefully, you already submit Video Sitemaps or mRSS feeds to inform us about video content on your website. We now support additional fields in both video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds where you can specify metadata specific to television or episodic content. This includes the series’ title, the season and episode numbers for the video in question, the premiere date, as well as other additional information. The metadata from your video feed helps us provide more detailed, relevant results to users wanting to view your show.

Here’s an example Video Sitemap entry that includes all the required and some optional TV metadata in the <video:tvshow> element:

  <video:title>The Sample Show, Season 1, Episode 2</video:title>
  <!-- other required root level video tags omitted -->
    <video:show_title>The Sample Show</video:show_title>
    <video:episode_title>A Sample Episode Title</video:episode_title>

The full documentation for the tags for both mRSS and Video Sitemaps can be found in our Webmaster Tools Help Center. As always, if you have any questions about Video Sitemaps or mRSS feeds, feel free to reach out to us in the Sitemaps section of the Webmaster Help Forum.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

All of us with Webmaster Central share one passion: a serious love for improving the Internet.

If you're organizing an event with an audience that would benefit from our discussing building search-engine friendly sites and maximizing the resources of Webmaster Central -- such as our Webmaster Tools, Help Center and Discussion Group -- please submit a speaker request. We'll work with our Corporate Communications team to see if we can add your event to our schedule.

With the intention of helping people make great content accessible on the web, we attended over 15 events this year -- including search conferences, business schools and marketing expos. We feel that we can be most helpful to:
  • Site owners/webmasters/bloggers who feature original, compelling content or tools, such as their...
    • Neighborhood store, restaurant, dentist office, etc.
    • Service or product (e.g. freelance photographer or online wizard for house decorating)
    • Passion, hobby, opinion (latest from the San Francisco music scene, perspectives on the upcoming election)
  • Web developers, web designers, SEOs/SEMs who build sites for others
Submitting a speaking request does not guarantee our attendance, but we'll definitely review each submission with our Communications team. Also, if we can't attend your event this time around, but we feel we could make a positive impact in the future, we'll keep the event on our radar.

Now I'd love to introduce two of our newest speakers who have been active in the Webmaster Help Group for some time: Michael Wyszomierski and Reid Yokoyama.

Hi, I'm Michael, but I go by "Wysz" in the Webmaster Help Group. When I'm not talking to webmasters or doing other search-related work, I like to tinker with my personal blog, take photos, and edit videos. Blogs, videos, podcasts, and other online media often come to my rescue when I'm searching for information online, so I'd love to talk to fellow content providers about how to make sure their sites can be understood by Google.
Hi, I'm Reid. I'm originally from St. Louis, Missouri, but have fallen in love with the weather, biking trails, and culture of the Bay Area. I studied to be a historian and even wrote a Senior honors thesis on Japanese American resettlement in San Francisco after WWII, but as an avid blogger, found myself increasingly interested in the transaction of knowledge and information through the Internet. I'm particularly passionate about helping small businesses build out high quality websites and helping them understand how Google's tools can help them in the process.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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