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Seo Master present to you: Terlebih dahulu kita harus paham apa maksud Do Follow dan NoNofollow ini. Kata "tag" selalu diberi tanda kutip karena sebenarnya yang sedang kita bicarakan ini bukan tag melainkan attributes dalam bahasa pemrograman HTML sejauh saya tahu.

Sebagai salah satu fitur web yang membutuhkan interaksi antar pengguna, blog akan menciptakan suasana "komunitas", dimana didalamnya kita mengenal sebuah proses "Komentar" sebagai bentuk interaksi tadi. Pada prosesnya, pemberi komentar akan disediakan sebuah ruang untuk memberi tanggapan pada setiap tulisan, disertai dengan identitas. Utamanya adalah URL/Alamat Blog Si pemberi komentar itu sendiri.

Contoh URL/Alamat yang akan kita inputkan adalah :

Pada intinya, identitas tersebut juga dijadikan sebagai Link/tautan ke alamat yang dimaksud. Yang kemudian dialih-bahasakan ke HTML menjadi :
<a href="http://www.namablog.com/">http://www.namablog.com</a>
Pada dasarnya seluruh Link/Tautan ke alamat tertentu akan mempunyai format seperti diatas. Akan tetapi, pada system blog, baik wordpress, blogger(blogspot), blogsome atau yang lainnya format standard tersebut dengan sendirinya (oleh blogger disebut automagically) berubah menjadi :
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.namablog.com/">http://www.namablog.com</a>
Apa yang berbeda? ya, yaitu munculnya attribute rel="nofollow".
Jadi sudah jelas, sebenarnya untuk membuat Blog kita Do Follow adalah dengan cara menghilangkan attribute rel="nofollow" tersebut.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Mike Winton, Director of Developer Relations

Cross-posted with the Official Google Blog

Google I/O, our annual developer conference, begins in just two days, and this year, we’re bringing you more than 130 technical sessions, 20 code labs and 155 Sandbox partners. If you’re not here in San Francisco, you can still sign up for one of our 350+ I/O Extended events around the world or tune in to I/O Live to watch the live stream from wherever you are. This year’s conference kicks off on June 27 with the first day’s keynote at 9:30 a.m. PDT and the second day’s keynote on June 28 at 10:00 a.m. PDT, so tune in early at developers.google.com/io to avoid missing the action!

Bookmark developers.google.com/io to watch I/O Live from your desktop, or download the Google I/O mobile app to access the live stream from your phone or tablet. For the truly entrepreneurial, check our liveblogging gadget, which lets you add your commentary and the live video feed from the Google I/O keynotes to your blog.

More than 40 sessions on Android, Chrome, Google+ and your favorite APIs will be streamed live with captions, and all remaining session videos will be recorded and available shortly after the conference on Google Developers Live and the conference website. Between sessions, we’ll bring you behind-the-scenes footage featuring interviews with Googlers and attendees, tours of the Sandbox and more. The stream will also continue through our After Hours party (June 27 starting at 7:00 p.m. PDT), where we've teamed up with top entertainers, inventors, artists, educators and visionaries from all over the world for an amazing evening.

Mike Winton founded and leads Google's global Developer Relations organization. He also enjoys spending time with his family and DJing electronic music.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Since the launch of Sitemaps, webmasters have been asking if they could submit their Sitemaps for multiple hosts on a single dedicated host. A fair question -- and now you can!

Why would someone want to do this? Let's say that you own www.example.com and mysite.google.com and you have Sitemaps for both hosts, e.g. sitemap-example.xml and sitemap-mysite.xml. Until today, you would have to store each Sitemap on its respective host. If you tried to place sitemap-mysite.xml on www.example.com, you would get an error because, for security reasons, a Sitemap on www.example.com can only contains URLs from www.example.com. So how do we solve this? Well, if you can "prove" that you own or control both of these hosts, then either one can host a Sitemap containing URLs for the other. Just follow the normal verification process in Google Webmaster Tools and any verified site in your account will be able to host Sitemaps for any other verified site in the same account.

Here is an example showing both sites verified:

And now, from a single host, you can submit Sitemaps for both sites without any errors. sitemap-example.xml contains URLs from www.example.com and sitemap-mysite.xml contains URLs from mysite.google.com but both now reside on www.example.com:
We've also added more information on handling cross-submits in our Webmaster Help Center.
For those of you wondering how this affects the other search engines that support the Sitemap Protocol, rest assured that we're talking to them about how to make cross-submissions work seamlessly across all of them. Until then, this specific solution will work only for users of Google Webmaster Tools.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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