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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Setting up and running a website is getting easier and easier, and it's wonderful to see so many new webmasters sharing their voices with the world! For you as a webmaster it's pretty easy going... until you run into an issue that you just can't seem to solve on your own. Maybe some technical issues were flagged in your Webmaster Tools account; maybe you're just trying to get your robots.txt to block a certain part of your site; or maybe someone reported that they got a virus while visiting your site (gasp!). All of these issues can come up and sometimes it's helpful to have a helping hand when diagnosing and solving it.

Our Google Webmaster Help Group is a great place to get help. There are many webmasters active in our group, friendly and ready to help others, often with first-hand experience. They can show you what might be wrong, show you how you can find answers in the future, and point you towards a solution that you'll be able to use.

Just recently a webmaster came into the groups with a website that was having strange problems. Less than 20 minutes later, one of our dedicated members replied and pointed the webmaster to hidden content that was placed on their site by someone else. Finding that is bad enough; but not finding it is even more frustrating.

While there are lots of helpful people in our groups, we have some that really stand out as being exceptionally active, helpful, competent and friendly. They volunteer time and energy to help build a great community and to help webmasters all around the world. In order to more publicly recognize their contributions, we're calling them our Bionic Posters. We want to highlight their outstanding efforts and thank them for the sound advice they've offered to so many.

We wanted to take a minute and send a shout out to our Bionic Posters:
Thank you all for helping to make the Webmaster Help Group such a success!
Come and visit the Webmaster Help Groups and see how you can make a difference as well. Be bionic!this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: All

Update on February 2, 2012: The new Google+ badge is now out of preview and available to all users on all sites.

When we launched Google+ pages in November, we also released Google+ badges to promote your Google+ presence right on your site. Starting today in developer preview (and soon available to all your users), we're adding more options for integrating the Google+ badge into your website. You can configure a badge with a width that fits your site design and choose a version that works better on darker sites. You'll also see that Google+ badges now include the unified +1 and circle count that we added to Pages last month.

If you’re still considering whether to add a Google+ badge on your website, consider this: We recently looked at top sites using the badge and found that, on average, the badge accounted for an additional 38% of followers. When you add the badge visitors to your website can discover your Google+ page and connect in a variety of ways: they can follow your Google+ page, +1 your site, share your site with their circles, see which of their friends have +1’d your site, and click through to visit your Google+ page.

The Google+ Badge makes it easy for your fans to find and follow you on Google+. With these additional options, we hope it's even easier to create a badge that fits your website.

Follow the conversation on Google+.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: All

When Googlebot crawls your site, it’s expected that most URLs will return a 200 response code, some a 404 response, some will be disallowed by robots.txt, etc. Whenever we’re unable to reach your content, we show this information in the Crawl errors section of Webmaster Tools (even though it might be intentional and not actually an error). Continuing with our effort to provide useful and actionable information to webmasters, we're now sending SiteNotice messages when we detect a significant increase in the number of crawl errors impacting a specific site. These notifications are meant to alert you of potential crawl-related issues and provide a sample set of URLs for diagnosing and fixing them.

A SiteNotice for a spike in the number of unreachable URLs, for example, will look like this:

We hope you find SiteNotices helpful for discovering and dealing with issues that, if left unattended, could negatively affect your crawl coverage. You’ll only receive these notifications if you’ve verified your site in Webmaster Tools and we detect significant changes to the number of crawl errors we encounter on your site. And if you don't want to miss out on any these important messages, you can use the email forwarding feature to receive these alerts in your inbox.

If you have any questions, please post them in our Webmaster Help Forum or leave your comments below.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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