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Seo Master present to you: Blogger Indonesia dukung internet aman, sehat & manfaat. sebuah kampanye yang bagus untuk mengajak para blogger indonesia agar mendukung program internet aman, sehat & manfaat. tentu saja program yang mulia ini sangat layak didukung khususnya oleh komuitas blogger di indonesia, supaya media internet bisa dimanfaatkan dengan baik dan bermanfaat bagi kemajuan bangsa. karenanya sudah selayaknya kita sambut seruan dan ajakan blogger indonesia dukung internet aman, sehat & manfaat.

Media internet memang bagai pisau bermata dua yang saja memberikan manfaat bagi penggunanya dan juga sekaligus bisa menjerumuskan pengguna kepada tindakan amoral bahkan kriminal. Baik dan buruk hanya terpisah dengan satu jari telunjuk melalui mouse. Apalagi konten-konten di internet khususnya yang ditulis para blogger tidak semuanya baik, konten yang buruk pun tersebar dengan mudahnya. tentu kita prihatin akan hal ini, karena itu sebagai blogger Indonesia mari kita dukung internet sehat, aman dan manfaat.
Blogger indonesia bisa meyediakan konten blog yang mendidik baik dan menyediakan informasi yang bernilai guna untuk pengaksesnya. Banyak sekali tema yang bisa disuguhkan oleh Blogger Indonesia untuk memberikan wawasan tambahan bagi pengakses internet di indonesia.
Tanpa bermaksud menggurui, beberapa ide berikut mungkin bisa dijadikan salah satu tema blog kita.

1. Internet Aman dan Sehat serta bermanfaat bagi Pendidikan Anak
Pengakses internet di indonesia tidak hanya didominasi oleh orang tua dan remaja, anak-anak pun banyak yang mengakses internet, tentu ini peluang yang bagus bagi para blogger untuk menyediakan konten khusus untuk anak-anak misanya tentang pengetahuan alam, belajar membaca dan berhitung dan lain-lain.

2. Internet Aman dan Sehat serta bermanfaat untuk bisnis online
Selain media untuk mendapatkan informasi, internet juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk bisnis. Blogger indonesia bisa memanfaatkan internet supaya bisa menghasilkan uang, baik dengan berjualan secara online atau dengan program bisnis intenet lain seperti, adsense, PPC, Paid Review dan lain-lain. Tutorial yang lebih detail mengenai ini telah banya ditulis oleh para master blogger indonesia. Jika Anda tertarik Google bisa membantu.

Pada prinsipnya ajakan bagi Blogger Indonesia dukung internet aman, sehat & manfaat, adalah ajakan untuk menghindari penggunaan internet untuk mengakses hal-hal negatif, seperti pronografi dan pembajakan. Tentu bukan hal yang mudah mengajak pengguna internet untuk memanfaatkan internet secara aman dan sehat, namun dengan kerja keras blogger indonesia untuk menyediakan konten blog yang menarik dan bermanfaat mudah-mudahan hal itu bisa mengalihkan perhatian pengguna internet dari konten-konten "haram"

Saya sampaikan rasa simpati dan penghargaan saya kepada BEM FASILKOM UMB yang telah mempelopori kampanye blogger indonesia dukung internet aman, sehat & manfaat.Mudah mudahan kampanye ini tidak sekedar menjadi alat untuk menggapai popularitas sebuah situs tapi menjadi motivasi yang kuat bagi blogger indonesia untuk berupaya menyediakan konten internet yang sehat, aman dan manfaat. kita sebagai Blogger Indonesia dukung internet aman, sehat & manfaat.
2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

I'm happy to announce that Webmaster Tools is expanding support for webmasters outside of the English-speaking world, by supporting Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA). IDNA provides a way for site owners to have domains that go beyond the domain name system's limitations of English letters and numbers. Prior to IDNA, Internet host names could only be in the 26 letters of the English alphabet, the numbers 0-9, and the hyphen character. With IDNA support, you'll now be able to add your sites that use other character sets, and organize them easily on your Webmaster Tools Dashboard.

Let's say you wanted to add http://北京大学.cn/ (Peking University) to your Webmaster Tools account before we launched IDNA support. If you typed that in to the "Add Site" box, you'd get back an error message that looks like this:

Some webmasters discovered a workaround. Internally, IDNA converts nicely encoded http://北京大学.cn/ to a format called Punycode, which looks like http://xn--1lq90ic7fzpc.cn/. This allowed them to diagnose and view information about their site, but it looked pretty ugly. Also, if they had more than one IDNA site, you can imagine it would be pretty hard to tell them apart.

Since we now support IDNA throughout Webmaster Tools, all you need to do is type in the name of your site, and we will add it correctly. Here is what it looks like if you attempt to add http://北京大学.cn/ to your account:

If you are one of the webmasters who discovered the workaround previously (i.e., you have had sites listed in your account that look like http://xn--1lq90ic7fzpc.cn/), those sites will now automatically display correctly.

We'd love to hear your questions and feedback on this new feature; you can write a comment below or post in the Google Webmaster Tools section of our Webmaster Help Group. We'd also appreciate suggestions for other ways we can improve our international support.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

We all know how friendly Googlebot is. And like all benevolent robots, he listens to us and respects our wishes about parts of our site that we don't want crawled. We can just give him a robots.txt file explaining what we want, and he'll happily comply. But what if you're intimidated by the idea of communicating directly with Googlebot? After all, not all of us are fluent in the language of robots.txt. This is why we're pleased to introduce you to your personal robot translator: the Robots.txt Generator in Webmaster Tools. It's designed to give you an easy and interactive way to build a robots.txt file. It can be as simple as entering the files and directories you don't want crawled by any robots.

Or, if you need to, you can create fine-grained rules for specific robots and areas of your site.
Once you're finished with the generator, feel free to test the effects of your new robots.txt file with our robots.txt analysis tool. When you're done, just save the generated file to the top level (root) directory of your site, and you're good to go. There are a couple of important things to keep in mind about robots.txt files:
  • Not every search engine will support every extension to robots.txt files
The Robots.txt Generator creates files that Googlebot will understand, and most other major robots will understand them too. But it's possible that some robots won't understand all of the robots.txt features that the generator uses.
  • Robots.txt is simply a request
Although it's highly unlikely from a major search engine, there are some unscrupulous robots that may ignore the contents of robots.txt and crawl blocked areas anyway. If you have sensitive content that you need to protect completely, you should put it behind password protection rather than relying on robots.txt.

We hope this new tool helps you communicate your wishes to Googlebot and other robots that visit your site. If you want to learn more about robots.txt files, check out our Help Center. And if you'd like to discuss robots.txt and robots with other webmasters, visit our Google Webmaster Help Group.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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