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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster level: all

It's been a bit more than five years now that our Webmaster Help Forum has been up and running, helping webmasters around the world. Over the years, over tens of thousands of users have discussed various topics in well over 100,000 threads, helping each other to improve their websites and to solve a variety of issues that web publishers are confronted with. Among those users is a group that we call the "Bionic Posters," users who have proven to be consistently helpful and knowledgeable, selflessly helping others to tackle seemingly insurmountable problems.

It's great to have such an awesome community -- but thanks is best said by those who are helped. Here is some of the feedback that we collected this year:
  • "Thank you for the time you have spent helping me. It is genuinely appreciated."
  • "Thank you to everyone who helped with my problem! My creaky old 1996 era website is all cleaned up and doing just fine now! Good Guys Rule!"
  • "WOW!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your help! I was reluctant to post because I thought you guys might think my site is too small, too insignificant, etc. Thanks so much! To me, it's a BIG deal!"
  • "My traffic has doubled and I am now either top or close to the top in search terms"
  • "Thanks. Hopefully my late night paid off then, all the help and information has been great!!!!!!!"
  • "Wow Webado Thank You Again.. You Really Know Your stuff! (…) You Are a True professional and Seriously The Only Person That Could Even Figure This out. I even Spoke to Other Top Specialists and YOU were the Only one who told me what to do and what was wrong."
  • "You are AMAZING! Thank you so much!"
  • "Finally, thanks so much for your concern and prompt reply, Squibble. Can't imagine a person would deligated his efforts to someones you don't even know and met. (…) Thanks for your help!! It means everything to me!"
  • "Wow thanks so much! I have just been to the hot springs in Banos Ecuador, the volcano is rumbling and the town has evacuated but I am still here talking Apache, now that is dedication, I will test your helpfulness out 2moro! Thanks so much!!!"
  • "It worked! Thank you very much for your help Cristina :)"
  • "I could NEVER have seen what's possible without this forum. I am so grateful."
  • "Thank you so much for your detailed response to my questions. In 10 years of me having a website, no one has explained these concepts better to me than you did."
  • "IT WORKED!!! Thank you so much for saving me the grief and embarrassment of this problem. I truly appreciate both your knowledge and guidance."
  • "Thank you so much for such a detailed answer and putting into terms I can easily understand. (…) Where shall I send the batch of brownies?"
  • "Thank you so much Squibble you are a hero. I have done what it says and i will check to see if i appear in google! Thanks again!"
  • "you guys are amazing! thank you so much redleg! (…) and if you happen to ever be in san carlos give me a shout - you deserve at least a beer and a lunch! "
  • "Thank you Squibble, Vanessa, Cristina, and Ishigaki for weighing in on this and helping me. I hope I can pay it forward one day."
  • "Great info Guys. I really appreciate it. It was awesome of y'all to help me out. I really appreciate it. Thank you."
  • "Your amazing :-) i love you lol xx im sorted now thanks and never in a million years would i have found that out!"
  • "THANK YOU! I love Google and appreciate that they have these safety precautions in place for those nasty hackets - especially when we can fix the problem! Thanks so much for your help. Whew."
  • "Thank you very much, Robbo! With a little tweaking it worked perfectly!"
  • "yay!!! I think it finally went through - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!"

If you have a question that you would like to ask, a problem that you need help with, we'd love to see you in the forums! We just ask that you please take the time to read through our frequently asked questions, and search the forum before posting. Chances are high that a question like yours has already been answered. Tell us a little bit about yourself and then join us to learn more and help others!

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
Seo Master present to you:
Ranjhana review: Ranjhana (Hindi) Movie Review - SEO Tips and Tricks

Ravi Kandala / fullhyd.com
Can watch again
Good for kids
Good for dates
Wait to rent it
One of the most common faults that we find with our big budget flicks is the lack of a story. The comment most often heard in this context is that for all the money the producer spent on the movie, the least he could have done is hire a story writer. Raanjhanaa, thankfully, does not suffer from this problem - thelack of a story. What it suffers from, then, is actually its story.

The film is a long-winded love story that starts in the riotously religious streets of Benares and ends in politically motivated riots in Delhi. The plot has two focal points, Kundan Shankar (Dhanush) and Zoya Haider (Sonam Kapoor). Kundan, the son of a priest, falls madly in love with Zoya while the twain are still teenagers. He pursues Zoya relentlessly, and even cuts his wrist when she spurs him playfully. Zoya relents, but her parents pack her off to Aligarh when they learn that she is involved with a Hindu boy.

Kundan swears that he will wait for her, and he waits for 8 long years. Zoya returns as a student of JNU, but she's forgotten all about the teenage romance.

A persistent Kundan keeps at it until Zoya reveals that she is in love with a budding political leader Akram Zaidi (Abhay Deol) in Delhi. Enraged, Kundan tells her that he will get married on the same day as she will. From this point, the story takes numerous twists and turns, and ends in a completely unexpected manner.

Like we said earlier, Raanjhanaa suffers due to its screenplay, as opposed to its storyline. The plot that we've written here is just the first half. There is still a second half that goes on forever. The makers of this movie obviously hired a story-writer, but forgot to hire a screenplay writer. Raanjhanaa's meandering plot has as many twists and turns as the bylanes of Benares, and the numerous sub-plots are not neatly woven into the script.

The cryptic and nuanced dialogue is a tad difficult to follow. In addition to all these, the characters are all complexity personified.

The other problem with Raanjhanaa is that two men profess undying love for a woman who seems selfish at best and manipulative at worst. This is a woman who does not even recognise her teenage crush eight years later but will gladly take his help to spoil a proposed match and to get a match fixed in her favour. Even when she turns crusader towards the end, her personal motives seem to drive her more than the good of the people. The fact that both male leads are willing to throw away their lives for her does not really ring true.

Performance wise, Dhanush takes all his Tamil cinema sensibilities to Bollywood. The man is clearly influenced by his father-in-law, and this influence shows in his performance.

Abhay Deol is good in his cameo, but his role is just that - a small cameo. He looks slightly old, too.

Sonam Kapoor gives it all that she can, which is not too much, but is adequate. She does look breathtakingly beautiful in a few sequences, though. The supporting cast is fabulous, with Swara Bhaskar and Zeeshan Ayub standing out.

Rahman's score works very well on screen, and the songs help the story move forward. The man also tempers his western sensibilities, except for the "Dekho Na" number, and gives a proper Benares-inspired score. The production values are grand, and the cinematographer captures Benares beautifully. However, the sheen goes missing in the later part of the movie.

Raanjhanaa is a love story with flawed protagonists, that is quite difficult to absorb. Dhanush's heroics might find quite a few takers in the front benches, but the film, overall, might not go down well with our audiences.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Zen Cart SEO - Optimization Tips and Plugins - SEO Tips and Tricks

Zen Cart is an online content management system (CMS) i.e. e-commerce sites management system. It is an open source and user friendly CMS based on PHP and it applies MYSQL database with HTML features. The best part of Zen Cart is that it does not require knowing HTML or any other complicated programming language. Therefore, gives an ease to maintain the websites developed in Zen Cart CMS.
But the issue comes with the search engine optimization of websites built in content management system.
How to SEO Zen Cart Websites?
Problem with e-commerce sites is that they don’t have much content for search engines and mainly contains product images. So it is important to optimize the following points at least.

A. Page Title: 
A title is the text that is displayed at the top of the browser window. Page Title should be relevant and keyword rich. In Zen cart page title can be changed by making changes in the code from cpanel.


Code 1:SEO India
define('TITLE', 'Zen Cart!');
// Replace the Zen Cart with your desired name.
define('TITLE', 'MY Store');

define('SITE_TAGLINE', 'The Art of E-commerce');
//Replace The Art of E-commerce with your tagline
define('SITE_TAGLINE', 'Best of All');
Now your page title will look like
My Store Best of All

B. Meta Tags: 
Zen Cart have a feature to write meta tags for each category and products and it can be done from here:
Admin -> Catalog -> Categories/Products
Here you will get a meta tag icon, click on it and start managing your meta tags.

You can Change Home Page Meta Description and Keywords from cpanel http://www.zen-cart.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40
// Home Page Only:
define('HOME_PAGE_META_DESCRIPTION', 'Description');
define('HOME_PAGE_META_KEYWORDS', 'Keywords'); 

C. Canonical Redirect for Zen Cart: Similar to other Content Management Systems we can make use of .htaccess file for making redirections, writing static (SEO friendly URLs) URLs and solving the canonical issue. 

Plugin’s For Zen Cart:
If you don’t want to put your hands in coding there are various plug-in and extension available with Zen Cart CMS which can be easily installed and used to optimize the Zen cart Website to rank well in search engines ranking like Google and Bing.
For Zen Cart SEO friendly URLs we can use “Ultimate SEO URL” or “Magic SEO URLS”.
Find More Zen Cart Plugin’s here.
2013, By: Seo Master
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