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Seo Master present to you:
Seo xp akan memberikan software gratis lagi nih yaitu Driver SoudPack 12.3 Lite..
Software ini pasti sangat berguna bagi pakar IT, software ini bisa Mendiagnosis masalah komputer kalian dan kemudian bisa memperbaikinya!
Maaf sebelumnya saya hanya punya yang Litenya saja jadi kalo kamu pengen FullVersi update ajah langsung Gratis kok, udah langsung tertera disitu updatennya!

Berikut Fitur Fitur yang ada di Driver SoudPack 12.3 :

~Cek Spesifikasi PC (Komputer) dengan lengkap
~Test Memori (RAM)
~Cleanup (registri dll)
~Cek antivirus apakah berjalan dengan lancar
~Add Remove Program Secara Cepat
~Refresh Windos agar stabil
~Device Manager
~Dan lain lain

Oke sampai sini dulu, nanti lain waktu saya ngasih software gratis lagi..
Kalo mau request silahkan komntar!! Happy Blogging!

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Project Hosting on Google Code is a beehive of activity, with many large and active projects and even more that aspire to that level. Now it will be a little easier for project members to sort out who should be doing what by documenting each member's duties in plain language on the new People sub-tab. Here's an example from the zscreen project:

Duties describe what each member is expected to be doing. Project owners can grant permissions that control what each member is allowed to do. While permissions can be fairly fine-grained, it's usually best to grant broad permissions, and then trust your project members to do their duties or go above and beyond them when the situation calls for it.

In open source software development, anyone can access the source code of the project, and it's important to allow anyone to access issues and project documentation. But in some projects, there is a need to restrict some information to a subset of project members for a limited time. For example, you might want to quickly patch a security hole before publicizing the details of how to exploit it. Project members can now place restrictions on individual issues to control who can view, update, or comment on them.
Here's some of what our new permission system allows project owners to do when they need to:
  • Acknowledge the role of a contributing user without giving them any additional permissions
  • Trust a contributor to update issues or wiki pages without letting them modify source code
  • Restrict access to specific issues to just committers, or to a specific subset of members
  • Restrict comments on specific issues or wiki pages when another feedback channel should be used instead
  • Automatically set access restrictions based on issue labels
Getting started is easy, just click the People sub-tab and start to document what you and your project team are supposed to be doing. If you need to mess with permissions, see our permission system documentation for all the details.

If you'd like to meet some of the people behind Google Code, please drop by the Google booth at OSCON 2009 this week.

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

We get a lot of feedback on Google Code and one of the biggest requests have been for feeds (as you can see in issue 8, issue 131, or issue 190). Therefore, I'm happy to announce that we now have Atom feed available for you to track issues, downloads, Subversion changes, and Wiki updates.

As an example, you can take a look at feeds for Google Web Toolkit:

For the SVN changes feed you can add '?path=/path/' to the end of the url to filter the changes by path -- for example, '?path=/trunk/' or '?path=/wiki/'. Simply substitute 'google-web-toolkit' for your project to see your feeds.

As always, if you have any feedback please do not hesitate to let us know.
2013, By: Seo Master
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