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Seo Master present to you:
By Kenneth Leftin, Software Engineer

With the recent addition of OAuth 2.0 support for the Latitude API, it is now easier than ever to start writing applications that utilize users’ location history or current location if they have opted in to sharing this information.

This post includes some examples of how you can use the powerful Latitude API to make compelling location-based applications.

Location History

There are many interesting ways you can use location history to create an interesting app. For example, Latify shows my location history on my Android phone so I can easily keep track of where I’ve been. You can use location history to answer questions like "Where was I on September 17th?" or you can analyze location history to show interesting stats. You can also export location history to Google Fusion Tables.

The possibilities expand when you use location history in conjunction with other data sets. For example, you can show location history lined up with transaction history, RSS feeds, or photo albums so users can see exactly where they were for a particular purchase, news event, or photo.

Current Location

The Latitude API allows you to access a user’s current location from a mobile device or a web server. For example, Moveable Weather allows users to call a phone number that tells them the weather based on their current Latitude location.

If you’re writing a mobile group messaging app, you can use the Latitude API to let users opt in to location sharing, allowing everyone in the group to see everyone else’s current location, without needing any location logic in your app.

These are just a few examples of the features of the Latitude API, which also includes storing location history, accessing city level location, and deleting location history. Check out the documentation to get started, or try browsing featured applications to get an idea of what you can build.

Kenneth Leftin is a Software Engineer on the Google Latitude team. When he's not programming, he might be seen playing music around the San Francisco Bay Area.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Many developers have asked for a faster, more powerful way to access Google Analytics account configuration data through the Data Export API. We’ve listened and today we’re releasing a preview of the new Google Analytics Management API.

The Management API provides read-only access to Google Analytics configuration data. It consists of 5 new Google Data Feeds that map directly to the Google Analytics data model.

Previously, the API returned all the configuration data at once, which in many cases was inefficient if you only needed a subset of data. Now with separate feeds, developers can request only the data they need. For example, it’s now easy to get the Profile IDs for a single account or the Goal configuration data for only a single Profile.

To help you learn more we created a new Management API section in our developer documentation. We also created new reference examples in Java and have a live working demo in JavaScript. Check it out, no coding needed!

The Management API is being launched in Labs as an early preview. The API will change, grow, and get better over time. We recommend developers who aren’t committed to making updates to their applications only experiment with the new API and continue to use the Account Feed as their primary source for configuration data. We will strive to give you at least one month advanced notice of changes to this API.

The Management API represents a significant new piece of the Google Analytics developer platform. We encourage you to come try it out and give us feedback in our new Management API Google Group.

P.S. - Please make sure to sign-up for our notify list to stay up-to-date on all the latest Google Analytics Developer updates.

By Jeetendra M. Soneja, Google Analytics API Team

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Akhirnya setelah beberapa waktu melakukan optimasi penulis blog seo tutorial blogger mengucapkan terima kasih banyak untuk semua teman dan sahabat blogger Indonesia. Dimana banyak telah membantu dalam kontes yang diadakan oleh daytrans dengan topik "travel jakarta bandung" dan dimana telah berakhir pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2010 kemaren. Semoga saja dengan adanya perlombaan seperti ini semakin membuat kita semua sebagai blogger baik pemula maupun senior mampu semakin banyak mempelajari apa dan bagaimana rahasia yang dimiliki oleh search engine terbesar saat ini, ya tidak lain yaitu mas Google.

Terima Kasih Untuk Semuanya

Memang pada saat final kebetulan postingan artikel seo tutorial berada diurutan pertama, tapi sepertinya itu hanya sebuah kebetulan dan keberuntungan plus rezeki dari Allah.SWT untuk pengganti lelah beberapa hari sebelumnya, karena jujur penulis tahu semua lawan hebat dan memiliki kelebihan tersendiri dalam melakukan optimasi, namun keberuntungan aja yang belum berpihak pada sobat semua. Untuk para rekan yang masuk 10 besar saya L3rry, mengucapkan selamat, semoga kedepannya kita bisa berjuang bersama-sama lagi, walau harus saling intip-mengintip backlink...... Wassalam

Berikut daftar urutan pemenang kontes Travel Jakarta Bandung:
1. http://www.matrixar.com/2010/07/travel-jakarta-bandung.html
2. http://arisnb.nulis.web.id/travel-jakarta-bandung.html
3. http://www.debrianmiller.com/travel-jakarta-bandung.html
4. http://www.trendbisnis.net/2010/07/day-trans-travel-jakarta-bandung.html
5. http://www.macfamous.com/travel-jakarta-bandung.html
6. http://tetembak.blogspot.com/2010/07/travel-jakarta-bandung.html
7. http://www.mukhtar.web.id/2010/07/travel-jakarta-bandung.html
8. http://www.andriyarusman.com/day-trans-adalah-travel-bus-jakarta-bandung
9. http://merahitam.com/travel-jakarta-bandung.html
10. http://serotea.com/travel-jakarta-bandung.sro2013, By: Seo Master
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