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Seo Master present to you: By Venu Vemula, Google Book Search Team

Since I joined Google, I've been working on Book Search, our project to help users discover what's inside all the world's books.

Today we are happy to include the developer community in this historic effort with the announcement of two new APIs:
  • An Embedded Viewer API, which allows you to embed book previews on your site and control them programmatically using JavaScript.
  • A robust Data API, which allows you to access full-text search results and access with users' book reviews, ratings, and individual My Library collections.
By allowing anyone to integrate with the complete Google Book Search index, we hope this broader community will find new ways to connect users with books that are interesting and relevant to them.

To learn more about the sites already using these APIs — including Books-A-Million, Worldcat, and GoodReads — check out our post on the Book Search Blog.

Or, if you want to dig right in, go straight to our newly revamped developer site.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: By Alyssa England, Google Developer Programs

We are excited to open registration for one last Google Developer Day this year, to be held on November 2 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

At this Google Developer Day, developers will learn about the latest with our APIs and developer tools, ranging from App Engine and OpenSocial to Google Chrome, plus more. The topics will vary so you can be sure to discover new and interesting best practices. And don't forget to socialize with fellow developers and Google engineers.

If you are in Europe, registration for some of the October Google Developer Days is still open, including Italy and Czech Republic, though space is running out fast. We hope you can join us for one of our upcoming events.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
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2013, By: Seo Master
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