Les nouveautés et Tutoriels de Votre Codeur | SEO | Création de site web | Création de logiciel

Seo Master present to you:
Scrolling or marquee text is very attractive way to tell and write your blog news. and adding it to your blog makes it more attractive because it’s amazing way to tell your blog visitors your blog latest news.

It is so simple to add your blogger . Just copy below code and paste where you want to show news.

  • Marquee Code
<marquee>Add your text here….</marquee>

This will show as this :
Add your text here....

  • You can change direction, background, size, etc

  • You can change the direction of the text by using this tag in the beginning :

<marquee direction="right">
  • Instead of 'right' put 'up' or 'down' or 'left' as per your preference.

  • To add a background color, font color, direction, width etc. Code View:
<marquee direction="right" width="100%" style="background:#EC4F52"><font color="white">Add your text here.…</font></marquee>

This will show as this :
Add your text here...

*Change Red color and  customize News bar

How is this???????????……………………………..
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Hello friends!, I am here  with a Simple and great trick. Snow falling in mouse cursor,You can decorate with this script and spice up your blog in Winter, Christmas , It'll bring more joy to your visitors. Follow instructions.


Mouse Snow Falling



Log in to your Blogger account



  • Go to Layout


  • Click on  “Add a Gadget”


  • Select “HTML/JavaScript “


  • Copy and paste given code



Copy Below code


  • Save It.




Happy…………………………….Comment below

2013, By: Seo Master

Bagaimana Cara Menulis Artikel Berkualitas Standar SEO? Ini adalah tahap ke 3 dari 4 tahap SEO. Usahakan untuk membuat artikel berkualitas dari kata-kata kunci yang sudah diriset. Jika belum mengetahui tentang cara riset kata kunci bisa baca dari artikel berikut:

# Cara Melakukan Riset Kata Kunci

Setelah menentukan kata kunci yang akan dibuatkan artikel, maka kita siap untuk memulai.
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