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Seo Master present to you: Software Unik (Gerakan Mouse Dengan Mata Anda) - Mouse merupakan perangkat yang selalu ada pada komputer atau Laptop. Tanpa mouse, sudah pasti kita akan mengalami kesulitan dalam mengoprasikan komputer. Lalu, apa hubungannya mouse dengan software eViacam ? Berikut penjelasannya.

eViacam merupakan sebuah software yang dapat anda gunakan untuk menggerakan pointer mouse deangan mata anda. hah, apakah benar bisa menggerakan pointer mouse hanya dengan menggerakan mata?  Ya benar, hanya dengan syarat komputer/laptop yang anda gunakan harus terdapat webcam yang aktif. Jadi eviacam dapat bekerja dengan bantuan webcam.

1. Jika sudah diinstal secara sukses, kemudian buka Program yang di Desktop "eViacam".

2. Lalu akan muncul tampilan dari wizard dari eViacam, silahkan anda klik Next.

3. Untuk selanjutnya klik Next lagi > klik Next > Terus saja Next  > lalu akan keluar Motion Calibration, langkah pertama gerakan kepala atau tangan anda kekiri, kekanan, didepan webcam. Untuk tampilan .selanjutnya, arahkan ke atas dan bawah seperti langkah pertama No 3.

4. Setelah itu keluat Motion Calibration, langsung saja klik Next  untuk melanjutkan.

5. Keluar tampilan Click Mode, silahkan klik Next > Next lagi > terakhir akan keluar Wizard Complete, dan langsung klik Finish.

6. Sekarang software Software Unik (Gerakan Mouse Dengan Mata Anda) sudah siap pakai.

Keterangan :

1.Baca Cara Pemakaian
2.Password Mediafire : www.www.matrixar.com

Silahkan Download Disini >> eViacam 7MB<<
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
This is a funny post. Hope you must enjoy this. We all use computer but don’t think its sex. Think you are astonished to read this! Yes, as like you and me, computer also has gender. I just want to know you that do you know your computer sex? Is it boy or girl? If you don’t know about you
can check it very easily and within a minute!

Let’s know about it. Just follow bellow:

1.   Open notepad.

2.   Copies bellow code and paste in to note pad.

CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"i am your lover & i wish to live with you forever"

3.   Now save with (my compu's sex .vbs) name.

4.   Ok now your computer is ready to tell its sex.

5.   Now close all programs and find the saved file then double click the saved file and here. Can you hear something?

6.   If it says (I am your Lover & I wish to live with You forever) by Girl’s voice then it’s girl, if it says by boy’s voice then it’s Boy!!!


Those days has experied to buy Internet Security
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Sigurd Magnusson, co-founder of the SilverStripe open source CMS platform, was in town for the mentor summit that wrapped up the Summer of Code.

We used that opportunity to grab him, put him in a Tiki hut, and chat with him about SilverStripe. We discuss life as an open source company, and the experience and advice based on having ten students enrolled in the summer of code program.

Thanks to Ohloh we have statistics on the code produced by the students. Obviously, the lines of code metric is purely quantitative and doesn't show the actual work involved, but it is great to see how these students have produced:

In the chat below you will hear about some of the really cool additions that SilverStripe has in its trunk thanks to the students.

2013, By: Seo Master
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