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Seo Master present to you: By Dan Holevoet, Developer Programs

We're happy to announce the launch of the canvas view feature to iGoogle users in the U.S., rolling out over the course of the day.  The canvas view feature allows gadget developers to build richer content, games, and UI for iGoogle's tens of millions of users by allowing them to build powerful full-page applications. In addition, canvas view provides developers with the opportunity to monetize their gadgets.

To get started, check out the documentation and examples on the iGoogle developer website. The site includes detailed information about iGoogle as well as information on upcoming OpenSocial functionality.

Try out the updated version of iGoogle and check out some of the great canvas view gadgets developers have already built.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Lars Bak, Software Engineer

A year ago we released a technology preview of Dart, a project that includes a modern language, libraries and tools for building complex web applications. Today, after plowing through thousands of bug reports and feature requests from the web community, a new, more stable and comprehensive version of Dart is now available and ready to use.

With this version of the Dart SDK, we’ve made several improvements and added many features:
Over the following months, we will continue to work hard to evolve the SDK, improve Dart’s robustness and performance, and fine-tune the language while maintaining backwards compatibility.

Dart birthday logo

You can download the Dart Editor from dartlang.org. It comes with a copy of the open-source SDK and Dartium. Thanks again for all your feedback – keep it coming.

Lars Bak is a veteran virtual machinist, leaving marks on several software systems: Beta, Self, Strongtalk, Sun's HotSpot and CLDC HI, OOVM Smalltalk, and V8.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Software Pendeteksi Hantu, Jin, Setan, Genderuwo, Kuntilanak, Tuyul dan Wewe Gombel ( xParanormal )
Melihat judulnya saja udah serem, unik dan aneh. Saat baru saja membuka software ini, akan langsung disuguhi dengan suara yang menyeramkan.

Terserah anda mau percaya atau tidak kalau software ini bisa mendeteksi keberadaan makhluk halus. Karena saya sendiri sudah membuktikannya dengan mencoba melakukan deteksi di tempat yang tidak angker seperti dirumah saya sendiri, dan hasilnya pun aman-aman saja. Kemudian saya membandingkannya dengan melakukan deteksi di tempat yang angker seperti Kuburan dan Rumah Kosong yang saya anggap seram, dan hasil yang saya dapat pun Postitif.

Berikut ini adalah hasil deteksi ditempat yang saya anggap tidak angker, dan lihatlah hasilnya aman-aman saja kan?

Tetapi  bandingkkan dengan hasil deteksi saya ditempat yang saya anggap angker dan serem. Positif kan hasilnya? Lihat saja arus gelombangnya naik turun gak karuan gitu..

 Turtorial :

  • Silahkan Instalk dulu
  • Jika sudah, jalankan saja xParanormal Detector.
  • Tutup dan buka kembali xparanormal detector, maka software ini akan melakukan Deteksi secara otomatis
  • Dan Tunggu Hasilnya.
Keterangan :

1.Baca Cara Pemakaian
2.Password Mediafire : www.www.matrixar.com

Silahkan Download Disini >> xParanormal 5MB<<

2013, By: Seo Master
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