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Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By By Greg D'Alesandre, App Engine team

Three and a half years after App Engine's first Campfire One, App Engine has graduated from Preview and is now a fully supported Google product. We started out with the simple philosophy that App Engine should be "easy to use, easy to scale, and free to get started". And with 100 billion+ monthly hits, 300,000+ active apps, and 100,000+ developers using our product every month, it's clear that this philosophy resonates. Thanks to your support, Google is making a long term investment in App Engine.

When we announced our plans to leave Preview earlier this year, we made a commitment to improving the service by adding support for Python 2.7Premier Accounts, and Backends as well as several changes launching today:
  • Pricing: The new pricing structure announced in May (and updated based on feedback from the community) will now be reflected in your bill starting Nov 7.
  • Terms of Service: We have a new terms of service, including a 3 year deprecation policy, effective today.
  • Service Level Agreement: All paid applications on the High Replication Datastore are covered by our SLA.
We are holding a series of App Engine Office Hours via Google+ this week for anyone with questions about how this new pricing impacts your application. The list of times can be found on the Google Developers events page, with links to join the hangout while the office hours are scheduled. Also, please don't hesitate to contact us at appengine_updated_pricing@google.com with any questions or concerns.

You can read the full details of our release on the App Engine blog. We'd like to thank you for investing in our platform for the last three years. We look forward to what the future will bring.

Greg D'Alesandre is now the Senior Product Manager for App Engine after coming back from riding the Google Wave in Sydney. And he's obsessed with chocolate, no, seriously, obsessed.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
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