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Seo Master present to you: Halo sobat Blogger saya mau berbagi ILMU lagi nih, Terutama masih tentang maraknya Copy Paste arikel orang lain. dan disini saya sendiri mau berbagi tips dan trik menghindari COPASter..

Asal kalian tahu saja saya disini juga sangat menghargai karya orang lain, karena itu akan membuat memotivasi kita untuk semangat dalam menulis artikel yang original tentunya.

Seperti artikel yang saya buat beberapa hari lalu Untung Atau Rugikah Mengcopas Artikel Orang Lain?
Ternyata mereka malah mengcopas Artikel saya, sudah itu tanpa link sumber. padahal diartikel itu sudah tertera kata di Judulnya, hahaha.
Jika kalian menginginkan Artikel orang lain (copas) cobalah memakai sumber link aktifnya sobat..
Mengapa? Cobalah kalian intropeksi diri kalau kalian ingin dihargai, cobalah hargai orang lain dulu.
beberapa kemungkinan jika artikel kita dicopas
~Si Pembuat artikel original akan mengkontak kalian, mau itu di Komentar Scrapbook, Email dll
~Jika masih tidak ditanggapi Si Pembuat Original akan melaporkan ke Web Master, Wah kalo udah di laporkan Blog Kalian bisa di hapus loh.. hihihihi (kealaman dong sama saya, Ada artikel saya yang di copas sama orang lain, saya telah menggunakan cara pertama tetapi dia tidak tidak menjawab, terus saya laporkan dan saya cek 4 hari kemudian blognya sudah di hapus.. ahaha kejamnya saya)

Langsung Saja yuk ke topik Tips dan Triknya
1. Cobalah kalian pasang Link Otomatis saat Artikel di COPAS

Cari kode <head> dan Copykan Script dibawah ini tepatnya dibawah kode <head>

    <script type='text/javascript'>

    function addLink() {

            var body_element = document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;body&#39;)[0];

            var selection;

            selection = window.getSelection();

            var pagelink = &quot;<br/><br/> Read more at: <a href='&quot;+document.location.href+&quot;'>&quot;+document.location.href+&quot;</a><br/>Copyright  www.www.matrixar.com Under Common Share Alike Atribution&quot;; // change this if you want

            var copytext = selection + pagelink;

            var newdiv = document.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);




            newdiv.innerHTML = copytext;


            window.setTimeout(function() {



    }document.oncopy = addLink;


Ganti tulisan yang berwarna hijau dengan url blog kalian.
Fungsinya  Jika ada dari mereka yang copas maka Link sumbernya langsung ada, Coba deh oleh kalian sendiri
Caranya, Copas Artikel kalian ke MS Word atau Notepad dan liat hasilnya

2. Cek Memakai Copyscape

Caranya kunjungi www.copyscape.com
kemudian masukan URL blog kalian kemudian Go..
3. Cobalah dengan memasang Link

Pasanglah link di gambar atau dengan cara ini
ada yang aneh yah? yup itu di " n " nya..
cobalah kalian sertakan link seperti itu (jika kalian ingin).

Jadi ketauan deh siapa yang suka COPAS, hayo artikel yang copas cepet cepet buka artkel yang hasil copas takut ada yang gitunya.. hha

Semoga Bermanfaaat Sobat Blogger, kalo copas sertakan link sumbernya yah?
4. Menonaktifkan klik kanan

Lalu taruh kode berikut di bawah kode </head>

<script type="text/javascript"> disableSelection(document.body) //disable text selection on entire body of page </script>

Ada yang bisa menambahkan Tips dan Trick Lainnya???
ayo saling share di komentar.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Jessie Jiang, Product Management Director

(Cross-posted on the Official Google Enterprise Blog.)

We're constantly making updates to our Google Cloud Platform products—Google App Engine, Cloud Storage, Big Query, Compute Engine and others—based on user feedback and to improve the overall experience. For example, two weeks ago we introduced a major update to Google Cloud SQL providing faster performance, larger databases (100GB), an EU zone, and a no-cost trial. But, we know there is more to do. Today, we’re continuing to improve the platform with new storage and compute capabilities, significantly lower prices, and more European Datacenter support.

Lower storage prices and new Durable Reduced Availability (DRA) Storage

Updated 3:23 PM to provide more details about DRA. To give you more flexibility in your storage options and prices, we’re reducing the price of standard Google Cloud Storage by over 20% and introducing a limited preview of Durable Reduced Availability (DRA) storage. DRA storage lowers prices by reducing some data availability, while maintaining the same latency performance and durability as standard Google Cloud Storage. This makes it a great option for batch compute jobs that can easily be rescheduled or for data backup where quick access to your data is important. DRA achieves cost savings by keeping fewer redundant replicas of data. Unlike other reduced redundancy cloud storage offerings, DRA is implemented in a manner that maintains data durability so you don't have to worry about losing your data in the cloud.

And, to automatically keep a history of old versions of your data, we’re introducing Object Versioning. You can also use it to help protect against deleting or overwriting your data by mistake or due to an application error.

More European Datacenter support
We are continuing to roll out our European Datacenter support. Now, customers using Google App Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL and (soon) Google Compute Engine can deploy their applications, data and virtual machines to European Datacenters. This helps bring your solutions even closer to your customers for faster performance and enables international redundancy.

36 New Compute Engine instance types and overall reduced prices
Earlier this year we introduced a Limited Preview of Google Compute Engine with four standard instance types. Today, we are announcing 36 additional instance types and are reducing the price of our original 4 standard instances by about 5% for those currently in our preview. In the coming weeks, the following will be available:

  • High Memory Instance - High performance instances tailored for applications that demand large amounts of memory.
  • High CPU Instance - Reduced cost option when applications don’t require as much memory.
  • Diskless Configurations - Lower cost options for applications that do not require ephemeral disk and can exclusively utilize persistent disk.

We are also introducing Persistent Disk Snapshotting which makes it simple to instantly create a backup of your disk, move it around Google datacenters, and use the snapshot to start up a new VM.

We want to thank you, the community of developers and businesses who are pushing the platform into new areas and building innovative applications. We look forward to seeing where you take it next. Find out more about the new Cloud Storage pricing and Compute Engine instances. Sign up now and get started today.

Jessie Jiang is the Product Management Director, Google Cloud Platform. She is passionate about building the best platform for developers and businesses in the cloud.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: By Stephanie Taylor, Open Source Programs

Cross-posted with the Google Open Source Blog

… and Go! The Google Code-in 2012 contest has officially started!  If you are a 13-17 year old pre-university (high school) student interested in computer science who would like to learn more about open source software development while earning cool prizes, sign up on our program site today.  Students have the opportunity to select tasks from 5 categories (coding, documentation/training, quality assurance, research/outreach and user interface) that are designed by 10 open source organizations that will provide mentors for the students.  Students earn certificates, t-shirts and Grand Prize Winners will win a trip for themselves and a parent or legal guardian to Google’s Mountain View California campus in 2013. Each of the 10 open source organizations will choose 2 of the 5 students that complete the most tasks with their organization as their Grand Prize Winners for a total of 20 Grand Prize Winners for Google Code-in 2012- that’s twice as many Grand Prize Winners as last year!

Last year, 542 students from 56 countries competed in the contest: this year you could be one of the students from around the world learning new skills and making new friends by experiencing the awesome world of open source development.

If you’d like to sign up, please review the Contest Rules and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on our program site. You can join our discussion list to ask any other questions. For details on important dates for the contest, see the calendar. If you meet the eligibility requirements you can create your account on the program site and start claiming tasks today!

Join us today, Nov 26th, as members of Google’s Open Source Programs Office host a Live Google Code-in Hangout on Air on the Google Education page at 2pm PST to discuss details of the contest and to answer questions from viewers. If you can’t make the live Hangout on Air it will be recorded and posted on our Google Open Source Student Programs YouTube Channel within a couple of days.

The contest ends on January 14, 2013 so start claiming tasks today.  Good luck and have fun!

Written by Stephanie Taylor, Open Source Programs

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
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