Seo Master present to you:
1. Utilize Your Old Posts: I know how many times it took and how much hard work you have done while writing your old posts of your blog.So, why you are wasting your old posts? Utilize those.Link them with the word’s of your your new blog post.Or add a relevant post title in your new post and link it with that old post.If it is relevant then people will surely visit that one.In this way you will also get link juice from SEO point of view.So,this is cool!
You can check WordPress insights plug to do interlinking.This will help to make your internal linking painless.
2. Do Experiment With Your Blog Design: The topic that you are writing today may be written 1000 times or more times in other blogs.Then why people will stick to your post if your blog design does not look like a professional one? Yes, i will not do that.What do you think?When you search the web in which website you spend more time?Obviously the one with new design and sharp design with a professional look.So, concentrate on your blog design.Make some experiment and get feedback from your friend that which design is better.You cannot judge it.Cause this is your blog and everything will seem fine to you! Ha ha…!
You can check the post “
Create A Banner Free For Your Blog !“.This will help you to make a customized banner for your blog.
3. How Much Time It Take To Load Your Page?: May be you are in the developed part of the world where the internet speed is fair enough to load your website in a quick time.But do you know that there are places in the world where the people are getting very low internet speed.Did you think about them?If not then please check today to load your page in a quick time.
4. Use Related Post Plugin and Show Related Post Below Posts: This is very important that you show related posts when someone has got your blog in search result.To make it happen you can use related post plugin which is a very efficient one and you will able to show those related posts just under post title.This is just awesome and decrease your bounce rate.
5. Use Popular Post Plugin in Sidebar: I am sure that you are using one popular post plugin in your sidebar.But make sure that the “Popular Post Plugin” that you are using is a latest one and it looks beautiful.If it is colorful then it will attract visitors.You can check the popular post plugin that i am using.If you like this then you can install this by reading this post “
Engadget Style Free Popular Post Plugin for WordPress” .
6. Add Different Pages on the Blog Header: Try to categorize your post in different categories and create 5-6 pages according to those.In this way your viewers will be able to browse the posts according to that category.I have also made such kind of pages like “Tips & Tricks”,”Technology news”,”Blogging Tips” etc.This will attract your visitors and they will not leave your page so quickly.
I have explained the points that can help you to hold your visitors.If you have any other idea other than this then you can apply in your blog.If you think the tips are helpful then please share this.Do not forget to leave your comments.
2013, By: Seo Master