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Seo Master present to you: We're releasing a new Open Source project today: Google mMAIM, the MySQL Monitoring And Investigation Module.. mMAIM's purpose is to make it easy to monitor and analyze MySQL servers and to easily integrate itself into any environment. It can show Master/Slave sync stats, some efficiency stats, can return statistics from most of the "show" commands and more! We look forward to seeing what you think about the project!2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Googlers will be attending and speaking at the MySQL users conference. As we did for the Python Conference, we're going to note our impressions of the talks we attend on http://mysqluc05.blogspot.com. If you are attending, come introduce yourself, we'd love to meet you.

Chris DiBona2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Hello again everyone! The featured project this week is a Tcl binding for coredumper, our library which we're happy to see is finding an enthusiastic following among developers. Check it out. We've also added the Free Software Foundation to the list of organizations that we are members of.

Also, we were discussing TCMalloc today and it struck us that we may not have adequately explained its utility. TCMalloc (part of perftools) is very good with C++/multi-threaded programs, but it also works quite well with pure C programs too, so if the C++ nature of the library has been deterring you from using it, don't let it! Happy coding!

Chris DiBona2013, By: Seo Master
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