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Seo Master present to you: Googlers love Python, so we're really excited about going to PyCon
this year. Over half a dozen Googlers are attending, and several will
be giving talks:
We hope to see you there!2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Exciting things are happening around Google Talk today. First, Jabber has published the experimental draft Jingle specs, which extend XMPP for use in voice over IP (VoIP), video, and other peer-to-peer multimedia sessions. You can read more about that from Jabber or go straight to the specs:

JEP-0166: Jingle Signalling
JEP-0167: Jingle Audio

Second, we've released an open-source library we're calling 'Libjingle' on SourceForge. Libjingle is a set of components provided by Google that let your programs interoperate with Google Talk's peer-to-peer and voice calling capabilities. The package includes source code for Google's implementation of Jingle and Jingle-Audio. Check out the Libjingle site for more information about that and for details on how to download and implement the code.

We're also proud to have given a donation to the Jabber Software Foundation as a show of our support. They've been doing some great work and we are happy to have the opportunity to support them.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Congrats to our friends who created the personalized homepage -- today they released an API that lets you create modules that people can add to their Google homepage. It allows for pretty interesting modules by letting you wrap your existing web content, apps, or mashups, and the development team will be reviewing all the modules submitted.

For more information, check out the Google Homepage API page and be sure to join the Google-Homepage-API Google Group. You can also take a look at the module directory that includes some modules the team created to help get the ball rolling.2013, By: Seo Master
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