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Seo Master present to you: The 2006 Google-O'Reilly Open Source Awards were hosted tonight by Chris DiBona and Nat Torkington at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference in Portland, Oregon. Attendees at the convention center celebrated as five fellow open source members were recognised at the second annual awards ceremony.

The winners are individuals who have worked tirelessly on their projects and in their community roles to make significant contributions to open source. We're pleased to announce that the winners are ....

Cliff Schmidt - Best Legal Eagle - Apache
Gervase Markham - Best Community Activist - FireFox
Julian Seward - Best Toolmaker - Valgrind
Peter Lundblad - Best All-Round Developer - Subversion
Stefan Taxhet - Best Corporate Liaison - OpenOffice.org

Please join us in congratulating the winners for 2006.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: I've been working with a great team for a while now to produce a new Google Service for the Open Source community -- in fact, we're putting the final touches on it as I write this blog post.

Come to my OSCON talk on Thursday the 27th, at 1:45pm, to learn more!2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Recent Google Earth/Maps updates have a few API-related bits I wanted to highlight here — Maps now groks web-based KML files (example), and its API can do Geocoding (which is fully explained on the Maps API blog). For tinkerers, check out this earthcode.com blog post detailing some Rails/Maps/Geocoding integration:
"Why the lookup web service? The Google Maps API doesn't just let you map an address. You need to supply the Maps API with a longitude and latitude to place a marker on a map (or even to center a map on a city). The geocoding web service translates a valid address into longitude and latitude; you can pass the result to the Maps API."
Also, the Maps API now supports fancy zooming.2013, By: Seo Master
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