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Seo Master present to you: Setiap search engine tentu saja mempunyai ketentuan-ketentuan yang tak boleh dilanggar oleh para pemilik website atau blog. Demikian juga google, search engine terbesar di dunia ini pun akan memberikan penalty bagi web atau blog yang mencoba melakukan kecurangan.

Nah untuk menghindari penalty dari Google berikut ini adalah beberapa tips dari beberapa sumber yang pernah saya baca :

1.Sebisa mungkin hindarilah pengambilan content dari website lain. Apabila mengambil content dari website lain lakukanlah pengeditan dengan menambahkan artikel yang anda ketahui terkait content tersebut, atau bisa dengan menyebutkan darimana sumber content tersebut berasal. Jangan memperbanyak halaman, subdomain atau domain dengan isi yang hampir sama. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan site kita dianggap mempunyai duplikasi content dengan site lain. Google tidak menyukai hal ini.

2.Sebaiknya hindari perulangan kata yang terlalu banyak dalam satu halaman. Perulangan kata hendaknya merupakan perulangan yang sebagai mana mestinya. Karena jika telalu banyak melakukan pengulangan kata search engine akan menganggap itu sebagai upaya untuk menaikkan rank.

3.Hindari link dari ataupun ke site adult.

4.Jangan terlalu banyak link baru. Hal ini dapat menjadikan website kita sebagai website yang dianggap sebagai link farm oleh Google.

5.Jangan terlalu banyak melakukan interlinking. Hindari interlinking yang mempunyai tujuan untuk menaikkan ranking di search engine. Jika hal ini terbaca oleh search engine sebagai upaya untuk menaikkan ranking, maka hasil yang akan didapat justru sebaliknya dimana ranking justru akan turun.

6.Jangan meletakkan link tersembunyi. Link tersembunyi merupakan cara lama yang dilakukan webmaster dengan memasukkan banyak tulisan dan kemudian memberi warna sesuai dengan background dari site tersebut, sehingga link tersebut tak tampak.

7.Jangan menggunakan cloaking. Cloaking digunakan untuk mengelabuhi search engine, contohnya jika search engine melakukan crawling, page A yang ditampilkan, jika user yang melakukan browsing, maka page B yang ditampilkan.

8.Jangan mengirimkan automated query ke google. Contoh dari automated query adalah dengan menggunakan program submit ke search engine secara masal.

9.Hindari mengisi halaman website dengan kata-kata yang tidak relevant dengan isi dari website tersebut.

Sumber Tulisan : KBKU-Blog 2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
People around the world are standing up for freedom. Pledge to support a free and open Internet. Google Transparency Report
A free and open world depends on a free and open webThe Transparency Report provides insight on how government actions can affect the free flow of information online. It shows traffic patterns to Google services and discloses data about requests to remove content or for account information.

Starting from today (3/12), in Dubai, a member of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to attend a meeting at the International Telecommunications Conference (WCIT 2012) to determine the future of the site. The future of the internet can be determined by politicians and representatives of the government when they talk about plans to reform the 25-year-old policy of ITU. According to ITU members want to add new rules to the law, the new law allows the members can set up Internet filters on their country.

A free and open world depends on a free and open webAccording to Google, a free and open world depends on an open Internetcung and freedom. Internet empowers everyone - anyone can speak, creativity, learning and sharing. Internet is not controlled by anyone - not an organization, individual or government. Internet connection in the world. Today, more than two billion Internet users - nearly a third of people on the planet.

What is at stake?
What is at stake?
Not all governments to support the free and open Internet. Forty-two countries filter and censor content on the internet. Within two years, the government has issued 19 new laws threaten freedom of speech on the web, the government is trying to use closed-door meeting on January 12 to strengthen the management of the Internet.

The proposed changes to the treaty could allow censorship and threaten innovation. Some proposals could allow governments to censor legitimate spokesperson - or even allow them to terminate Internet access. Other proposals would require services such as YouTube, Facebook and Skype to pay new fees for access to those in other countries. This can limit the access to information - particularly in emerging markets.

ITU is not the place to make decisions about the future of the Internet. Where only the new government have a voice at the ITU. Including the government did not support the free and open Internet engineers, construction companies and the web and use with no voting rights.

What we do?
Every Internet policy must also act as open and inclusive Internet. The government should not decide the future of the Internet. Billions of people worldwide use the Internet; professionals build and maintain Internet should be involved.

Right now, people can contribute their best to please speak out against internet censorship and jointly pledged support for a free and open Internet. You can send your voice via the channel Google Take Action at http://www.google.com/intl/en/takeaction/ or send your comments via channel http://www.freeandopenweb.com .

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Google has long believed that thoughtful iteration is the best way to build useful products for our users. As part of that process, we are always looking for ways to better focus our teams on the products that can have the most impact.

As we mentioned last April, we are in the process of porting Jaiku over to Google App Engine. After the migration is complete, we will release the new open source Jaiku Engine project on Google Code under the Apache License. While Google will no longer actively develop the Jaiku codebase, the service itself will live on thanks to a dedicated and passionate volunteer team of Googlers.

With the open source Jaiku Engine project, organizations, groups and individuals will be able to roll-their-own microblogging services and deploy them on Google App Engine. The new Jaiku Engine will include support for OAuth, and we're excited about developers using this proven code as a starting point in creating a freely available and federated, open source microblogging platform.

Some of you may also be familiar with Dodgeball.com, a mobile social networking service that lets you share your location with friends via text message. We have decided to discontinue Dodgeball.com in the next couple of months, after which this service will no longer be available. We will communicate the exact time-frame shortly.

Finally, in the spirit of onward and upward, we have decided to shut down the Mashup Editor, currently in limited private beta, in favor of the more powerful App Engine infrastructure. Existing Mashup Editor applications will stop receiving traffic in six months, and we hope you will join our team in making the exciting transition to App Engine.2013, By: Seo Master
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