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Cara Daftar dan Pasang Histats Counter - Selama saya menjadi blogger, histats adalah sebuah gadget yang sangat membantu dalam mengamati performa blog. Saya harus membahas histats ini karena nanti saya harus membahas cara menggunakannya, karena penggunaan histats yang salah justru akan merugikan kita.

Ada perbedaan mendasar antara histats, Google Analytic, dan statistik blogger. Saya lebih
Seo Master present to you:

A few weeks ago, Brad Neuberg sat down with Kevin Marks for an informal chat about technology, live video, the changes in software development over the last decade and OpenSocial. The video below is an edited version of their conversation, but if that only serves to whet your appetite, you can view the full version here (Part 1, Part 2). Be sure to look for the part in the video where Kevin talks about what it was like to work with Douglas Adams.


Kevin Marks is the author of the popular blog Epeus Epigone. In his 20-year long career, he played a major role in the development of live streaming video as a member of the Quicktime team at Apple, founded the Multimedia Corporation and as Principal Engineer at Technorati, built the spiders that make sense of the web and track millions of blogs daily. Today, in addition to being a developer advocate for OpenSocial, he is also one of the co-founders and a driving force for Microformats.

Brad Neuberg is a developer advocate at Google for the Open Web. He has created a number of libraries and frameworks for expanding the capabilities of web applications and is a core member of the Dojo project. He blogs at codinginparadise.org.

This video is the second in our video series "Code Conversations". You can view the first episode, a conversation with Chris DiBona on open source software here.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: The Random Posts Widget will show random posts you have added to your blog. The main advantages of this widget is that it is loading pretty fast and shows thumbnails of your posts too, along with the comments link.

How to add Random Posts Widget to Blogger

Step 1. Log in to Blogger Dashboard, and select Template > Edit HTML (click on Proceed button if needed)

Step 2. Select "Expand Widget Templates"

Step 3. Find (CTRL + F) the following tag:


Step 4. Just above it, paste the code below :

#random-posts img{float:left;margin-right:10px;border:1px solid #999;background:#FFF;width:36px;height:36px;padding:3px}

Step 5. Save Template.

Step 6. Go to Layout, click on Add a Gadget 

random posts widget, random blogger

Step 7. Add a new HTML/JavaScript Gadget
random posts blogger

Step 8. Paste the following code in the empy HTML box:

<ul id='random-posts'>
<script type='text/javaScript'>
var rdp_numposts=5;
var rdp_snippet_length=150;
var rdp_info='yes';
var rdp_comment='Comments';
var rdp_disable='Comments Disabled';
var rdp_current=[];var rdp_total_posts=0;var rdp_current=new Array(rdp_numposts);function totalposts(json){rdp_total_posts=json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t}document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&max-results=0&callback=totalposts\"><\/script>');function getvalue(){for(var i=0;i<rdp_numposts;i++){var found=false;var rndValue=get_random();for(var j=0;j<rdp_current.length;j++){if(rdp_current[j]==rndValue){found=true;break}};if(found){i--}else{rdp_current[i]=rndValue}}};function get_random(){var ranNum=1+Math.round(Math.random()*(rdp_total_posts-1));return ranNum};
<script type='text/javaScript'>
function random_posts(json){for(var i=0;i<rdp_numposts;i++){var entry=json.feed.entry[i];var rdp_posttitle=entry.title.$t;if('content'in entry){var rdp_get_snippet=entry.content.$t}else{if('summary'in entry){var rdp_get_snippet=entry.summary.$t}else{var rdp_get_snippet="";}};rdp_get_snippet=rdp_get_snippet.replace(/<[^>]*>/g,"");if(rdp_get_snippet.length<rdp_snippet_length){var rdp_snippet=rdp_get_snippet}else{rdp_get_snippet=rdp_get_snippet.substring(0,rdp_snippet_length);var space=rdp_get_snippet.lastIndexOf(" ");rdp_snippet=rdp_get_snippet.substring(0,space)+"&#133;";};for(var j=0;j<entry.link.length;j++){if('thr$total'in entry){var rdp_commentsNum=entry.thr$total.$t+' '+rdp_comment}else{rdp_commentsNum=rdp_disable};if(entry.link[j].rel=='alternate'){var rdp_posturl=entry.link[j].href;var rdp_postdate=entry.published.$t;if('media$thumbnail'in entry){var rdp_thumb=entry.media$thumbnail.url}else{rdp_thumb="http://www.matrixar.com/-XQt2v4x5dl8/T1zdpFh392I/AAAAAAAABUU/xMJZDedw38k/s1600/default.jpg"}}};document.write('<li>');document.write('<img alt="'+rdp_posttitle+'" src="'+rdp_thumb+'"/>');document.write('<div><a href="'+rdp_posturl+'" rel="nofollow" title="'+rdp_snippet+'">'+rdp_posttitle+'</a></div>');if(rdp_info=='yes'){document.write('<span>'+rdp_postdate.substring(8,10)+'/'+rdp_postdate.substring(5,7)+'/'+rdp_postdate.substring(0,4)+' - '+rdp_commentsNum)+'</span>'}document.write('<div style="clear:both"></div></li>')}};getvalue();for(var i=0;i<rdp_numposts;i++){document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&start-index='+rdp_current[i]+'&max-results=1&callback=random_posts\"><\/script>')};

Note: Replace no. 5 with the number of posts you want to be show.

Step 9. Press Save and Enjoy!2013, By: Seo Master
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