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Seo Master present to you:

The results are in! After receiving applications from more than 300 open source organizations, we've narrowed the list down to just over 130 and published the list of accepted organizations. Now that we've selected the mentoring organizations for this year, we're accepting student applications for the program. Students should plan to submit their applications by March 24, 2007. We're also pleased to let you know that we'll be taking 800 students into the program, up from 630 last year.

For more information about the Google Summer of Code program, you can visit the program page. Better yet, read Chris DiBona's write up on the Official Google Blog.

Thanks to all of the organizations who applied to take part this year, and best of luck to all of our student applicants!2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Kelebihan Samsung Galaxy S4 - Produk samsung terbaru telah diluncurkan, dengan nama baru sebagai upgrade dari samsung sebelumnya, yaitu Samsung Galaxy S4. Ketika pengenalan di New York, tampilannya begitu sangat elegan, lebih besar daripada sebelumnya atau bahkan lebih besar dari iphone milik apple.

Samsung yang sebelumnya sukses menyingkirkan apple dalam penjualan ponsel pintarnya, kini menantang lagi dengan tampilan yang lebih canggih dari sebelumnya. Tentu saja semua orang ingin memilikinya, karena ponsel pintar ini akan memanjakan penggunanya dalam segala hal dari semua aktifitasnya.

Kelebihan Samsung Galaxy S4

Lalu apa saja Kelebihan Samsung Galaxy S4?

- Layar 5 Inci

Waaw, layar dari samsung galaxy s4 ditingkatkan lagi menjadi 5 inci. Sudah pasti dengan bertambah besarnya layar, lebih interaktif dan friendly dalam pandangan pengguna. Tidak hanya itu saja, dengan tampilan yang lebih lebar, sentuhan demi sentuhan akan semakin cepat.

-  prosesor quad-core 1.9GHz

Prosesor nya pun juga bertambah, berarti ada tambahan fitur yang canggih didalamnya. Menurut kabar, Samsung Galaxy s4 ini juga intersensitif. Artinya, aplikasi-aplikasi yang dituju akan otomatis terakses sebelum tersentuh oleh jari.

- Kamera 13 megapixel

Dilengkapi pula kamera 13 megapixel, membuat gambar semakin bening dan kinclong. Benar-benar memanjakan pengguna ketika berfoto ria ataupun merekam aktifitas dalam bentuk video.

Bagi Anda yang belum memilikinya, yuk kita urunan saja nanti penggunaannya gantian, aku hari senin sampai jumat, Anda hari sabtu dan minggu, hahahaha. Semoga bermanfaat ya informasi tentang Kelebihan Samsung Galaxy S4.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: We at Google go to great lengths to ensure every step is taken to protect our users’ data. As part of our ongoing effort to improve security everywhere, we will start requiring the use of SSL in many products. Requiring SSL improves security by encrypting data communications between users and Google, better protecting it from being intercepted by a malicious third party.

Some of these changes have already occurred. Many user-facing Google products now allow or require SSL, including encrypting Google web search, defaulting to SSL in Gmail, and requiring SSL in Google Docs. Next on our list is to improve SSL support for our developer facing APIs. For most APIs, our technical documentation, client libraries and code samples already use SSL. Many new APIs and versions will be SSL only. Further, the Google Maps API, which previously offered SSL only to Premier customers, is offering SSL to all developers starting today.

Additionally, beginning September 15, 2011, Google will require that all users of Google Documents List API, Google Spreadsheets API, and Google Sites API use SSL connections for all API requests. Specifically, this change will disallow all HTTP requests, responding with an HTTP 400 Bad Request response. API requests will only be accepted via HTTPS. For example, a request to http://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full will no longer pull a list of a user's documents. Instead, a request must be made to https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full.

This change should be transparent if you're using the most recent version of the Google Data client libraries, since they already use SSL for all requests. If you're not using the latest version, then please upgrade as soon as possible. If you're not using our client libraries, then simply change any use of an HTTP URL to its corresponding HTTPS version in your code. Your existing OAuth and AuthSub tokens will continue to work using the HTTPS URLs, even if they were requested with a scope that uses an ‘http://’ scheme.

Although we’re initially requiring SSL for only a few APIs (those whose traffic was already mostly over SSL), we strongly recommend that you convert all your API clients as soon as possible to help protect your users’ data. Check the documentation for each API for more information about that API's SSL support, including the updated Google Documents List API documentation, Google Spreadsheets API documentation, and Google Sites API documentation.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please follow up in the forums of the API you are using.

2013, By: Seo Master
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