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Seo Master present to you:

Getting tickets for the biggest concert of the Summer is not always plain sailing and quite often we need to tighten the purse strings so we can afford that ticket. Concert ticket sites like BoxOfficeHero and TicketMaster usually offer some good value deals for shows, but to be sure that you are getting the best possible deal you should take a look at these powerful smartphone apps specifically for buying tickets, to make real savings on your tickets.

eSeats Tickets (Free)

eSeats is an app that is well loved by all of its users. Money back guarantees and a dedication to customer service make it a safe bet for those of us that are new to ticket apps. eSeats prides itself on allowing only genuine tickets to be sold through its app and their well placed connections within the business enable them to offer tickets to shows that are already sold out.

Verdict – A simple app with great resources for finding good deals and excellent customer service.

StubHub (Free)

Download via iTunes
StubHub boasts that they bring the world’s largest ticket marketplace right to your Smartphone, and with hundreds of ticket retailers to choose from, finding good value for money is not such a difficult task. StubHub also allows ticket holders to sell on unwanted tickets through the app and while buying tickets in this manner usually ends up costing a small fortune, you’d be surprised how much some will sell their extra stubs for just to get rid of them.

Verdict – A large database of ticket retailers plus private sellers gives you greater odds at finding a good deal.

Live Nation (Free)

Download via Google play
The world’s leading live entertainment company have now got their very own app. Live Nation seems to be the app that’s in the know when it comes to ticket sales. Exclusive app pre-sales, on sales, and last minute tickets are just some of the great deals that can be found in app. Find tickets for concerts that you thought were sold out and even get bargain tickets for the biggest shows.

Verdict – A great app for offering a variety of deals on tickets and a sure thing for good value.

SeatGeek (Free)

Download via iTunes
By far and away one of the best apps for getting deals on tickets is the SeatGeek app. This brilliant app has interactive maps that let you get right into the venue before you buy your ticket. You can easily see which tickets are good value as all of those available are highlighted in green and the pricey tickets are a dark red and easy to avoid. SeatGeek also uses a deal rating system that scores each ticket from 1-100 with regards to how good a deal you are getting.

Verdict – With fantastic interactive venue maps and a simple but very effective deal rating system, SeatGeek is an absolute must for concert goers looking for amazing deals.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Secure File Sharing Without Content Sharing
Img.Credit: freedigitalphotos
How often do you send emails, Word files or spreadsheets containing information that whilst not “top secret” it would be better that they were only accessed by your intended recipient? In the case of large file exchange or sharing this is normally achieved by uploading the file to a file sharing server and then letting the recipient know that it is there for them to download. Should we do more to protect these “shared files” from unauthorised access? Well in fact if these “file shares” are part and parcel to your companies business and contain any personal information you have a legal duty of care to ensure that their content is not revealed to the wider world.

Sending emails and files in “clear text” format is like sending your business letters on a post card. They can be intercepted and read by anyone who has the will to do so. Routinely our electronic ramblings are monitored by the various national security services at the very least.

So what can we do about it? We can obscure the content by means of encryption. By encrypting the content of an email or file we have effectively sealed it in an envelope. But surely this is going to be complicated and require the installation of software not only for me but also for my intended recipient, I hear you say. Well not necessarily. The new and emerging software solutions to this aged problem of providing robust encryption that everyone can use, simply without the need to understand all of the requisite complexities of random number generators, entropy and key pairs is proving that it is possible to bury these hitherto barriers within the program allowing a straightforward user interface to guide the user effortlessly through the maze in a couple of simple clicks.

If you will allow the pun, the “key” to this has been utilising a unique identifier for both sender and receiver. In this electronic age we all have such a thing, our email address! Imagine a system where a user’s email address is used in this way, the system can then generate key pairs associated with this address. These key pairs will be used to encrypt and decrypt any code the user may require protecting; emails, files, disks, thumb drives, CD-ROMs the list goes on. These encrypted portions of code can then be safely transported over any public or private network including the internet. They can even be stored on public servers awaiting collection by the recipient with the correct key/email address.

But how does the intended recipient’s email address work to decrypt the message? Easy because the data author or owner will know who they want to share that data with,so all that needs to happenis for the sender to supply the system with the email address of the intended recipient and it creates the necessary key pairs to enable encryption and decryption of the target code. These matching key pairs can be one-time pairs that will only apply to each data exchange further improving the security. Since each key pairing is only good for one exchange, if they were to be compromised it does not result in any future or past exchange being put at risk, clever!

This type of system can be used to encrypt emails, their attachments, files copied to disks, thumb drives, CD-ROMs in fact any media. Making use of a cloud based repository you instantly have the ability to transfer large encrypted files with users anywhere on the planet. Or if you prefer by hand via whatever storage medium you wish to use.

One such system Egress’s Switch even allows you to make these secure file transfers with user’s who are not subscribers to the system. This allows you to make secure exchanges with your trading partners or friends without the need for them to make any installation of software on their systems. Superb!
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Bagi yang hobby download atau upload pasti sudah tau kegunaan dari software HJSplit. Ya, biasanya tempat hosting buat sharing utamanya yang free membatasi kapasitas besarnya file yang boleh di upload ke server mereka. Tapi dengan software HJSplit ini memungkinkan kita untuk memecah file yang kita akan upload menjadi beberapa file yang besarnya dapat kita sesuaikan dengan kapasitas limit file yang boleh di upload di server hostingan kita.

HJSplit adalah sebuah program untuk memecah suatu file yang berukuran besar menjadi bagian-bagian kecil dalam waktu yang jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan melakukannya dengan Split Rar. Dimana HJSplit ini jg bisa digunakan untuk mengembalikannya seperti semula

Cara penggunaan HJSplit

Utk melakukan SPLIT (memisahkan file besar ke file2 kecil  )
1. Double klik program HJSplit.exe (ga usah install)
2. Klik Split
3. Klik input file dan browse file yang hendak dipecah
4. Klik output file bila ingin meletakkan hasil pisahannya di folder lain (tidak wajib di klik)
5. Tentukan Split file size
6. Tekan start :D
7. setelah split complete :D close deh :D gampang kan?

Utk melakukan JOIN (menggabungkan file hasil dari pecahan HJ Split  )
1. Double klik program HJSplit.exe (ga usah install)
2. Klik Join
3. Klik input file dan browse file yang hendak digabung (cukup file yg berekstensi .001 dan sisanya akan langsung diekstrak otomatis  tapi yakinkan semua file .001 sampai .00X berada pada folder yang sama)
4. Klik output file bila ingin meletakkan hasil gabungannya di folder lain (tidak wajib di klik)
5. Tekan start
6. setelah join complete :D close deh :D gampang kan?

Mengupload file HJSplit ke IDWS

kalau mau upload ke IDWS... rename filenya.. buntutnya dikasi .rar dan di keterangan kasi tulisan hilangkan .rar menjadi .001 kemudian gabung dg HJSplit

Menggabung file2 di IDWS yang menggunakan HJ Split

biasanya uploader hanya me rename file hasil HJ split menjadi .rar. Misalnya Ultraman.avi.001.rar
jadi setelah kamu download file tersebut... cukup rename menjadi Ultraman.avi.001 dan cuekin aja klo ada warning file akan damage kemudian gabung dg HJ Split

Contoh nama file HJSplit
Ingin memecah Ultraman.avi menjadi 3 bagian. sehingga file yang terbentuk adalah
atau secara global

jadi kalau kalian mau join, rename namanya seperti di contoh.

Kenapa saya masih gagal menggabungkan file nya?

1. Urutan me rename filenya salah. Benar2 harus di rename sesuai urutan asli.
2. di folder option windows explorer --> view.. jangan centang yang "hide extension for known files" krn nanti nya rar nya ga akan ke rename :) jd tetep dianggap rar
3. Ada file yg corrupt saat di download
4. Anda menggabungkan file yang bukan hasil split hj split (cth : menggabungkan file hasil download youtube)

Apa itu tombol CHECKSUM?

checksum itu utk ngecek antara file original ama file hasil gabungan dr pecahan file original, punya nilai checksum yg sama ga. klo sama berarti "kemungkinan besar" join berhasil dan file ga corrupt :)

Jika kalian ingin mendownload nya silahkan Klik Disini
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2013, By: Seo Master
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