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Seo Master present to you:

With the recent launch of Google Health, we also launched the Google Health Data API, which we hope will further contribute to the goal of making personal health management easier for people. The API can be used to create new medical records, request a list of medical records, and query for medical records that match particular criteria.

Learn the details from this announcement post on the Google Data APIs blog, and join the conversation in our discussion group. We look forward to seeing the apps you create with this new API!2013, By: Seo Master

Jika anda serius melakukan blogging dan sangat berharap bisa mendapatkan banyak pengunjung, maka melakukan riset kata kunci adalah suatu keharusan. Ini adalah satu dari beberapa elemen penting dalam membangun blog yang dicari banyak orang. Jadi mari kita lihat bagaimana cara melakukan riset kata kunci blog anda.

Artikel ini merupakan penjelasan yang lebih terperinci dari artikel sebelumnya
Seo Master present to you: Google Developer Day is here! Our first worldwide developer event has kicked off in Sydney and won't stop until it's reached 10 locations around the world, finishing up 29 hours later at Google's offices in Mountain View, California. If you can't make it in person, you should try to catch one of the sessions online. We're webcasting live sessions from London and California, and will post videos from all our events shortly afterwards on the Developer Day website.

Developer Day isn't the only thing that's kept us busy this week. We've also released a bunch of new products, which I'll let the respective teams say more about. Here's a roundup of some of this week's releases:
  • Learn about going offline with Google Gears, an open source browser extension for creating offline web applications.
  • Make mashup of mashups with Mapplets, mini-applications that can be embedded into the Google Maps site.
  • And it is mashups made easy with the Google Mashup Editor, an an online code editor for creating and deploying mashups.
  • Watch as GWT Gears up with the Google API Library for Google Web Toolkit, an open source library to help GWT developers take advantage of Google APIs, starting with Google Gears.
  • Just in time to get to San Jose, we added driving directions to the Google Maps API, giving developers even more ways to create compelling maps mashups.
Check them out, then come join us at Developer Day. See you here!2013, By: Seo Master
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