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Semoga Bermanfaat...2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices are constantly changing the landscape of work efficiency and productivity. Gone are the days of pen and paper along with a dozen old ways of handling tedious business and office tasks. With busy people getting busier in a workday, mainstream technology has paved a way to bypass much of the bulk of the work environment.

With the App Store came greater possibilities and functionality for the smartphone and other devices. Here are some of the best apps that should help you increase your work productivity and efficiency.

1. Evernote 

Evernote is among the most popular apps and allows you to ‘remember everything’. This app practically transforms your smartphone into the ultimate digital archive. Evernote is an indispensable app that collects and organizes written notes, photos, and even web pages. Not only does this app allow you to snap image notes, it also records voice notes as well. Every bit of information stored in Evernote is processed, indexed, and made available through a simple search. It also allows you to add tags and organize your notes into different colour coded notebooks.

2. GoToMeeting

GotoMeeting is a $49/month app that allows you to host digital meetings, webinars, and online trainings on your smartphone. This app shares your documents, presentations, reports and even your screen with your colleagues. With a webcam, you can even have face time to further the experience. GoToMeeting can hold up to 25 attendees. Regardless of where you are, GoToMeeting can provide conference calls as long as there is an internet connection.

3. PayAnywhere

Pay Anywhere turns your Smartphone into a credit card machine. This app allows you to swipe and charge your clients credit card through your smartphone, which allows you to be paid as soon as a business transaction is completed. This app keeps track of invoice numbers and keeps an inventory of your every transaction. The best thing about this app is your credit card transactions are always free of charge.

4. Expensify

Expensify is an app that takes charge of your tedious expense reports. This app imports financial documents such as bank statements, credit card statements, billable items such as gas mileage and time. Expensify allows you to sync up credit cards and bank accounts and keep track of any financial activity in real time. It also features eReceipts which are digital copies of actual paper receipts. It also turns your smartphone to a receipt scanner as it snaps a picture of a paper receipt and tracks the amount of the transaction, merchant and date.

5. LogMeIn

LogMeIn makes sure that you never leave anything behind. LogMeIn provides free remote desktop access to your main computer from your smartphone or tablet. This app allows you to control your PC from your mobile device wherever you are as long as you have wi-fi or 3G connection. LogMeIn allows you to fully use any application that you have installed in your PC. With LogMeIn, you can stay productive even when you’re on the go. You can watch high definition videos and stream sounds remotely. You can save files to your device and transfer between computers.

Article by Sharon Freeman who writes about business and office management for companies such as www.tradiepad.com.au2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

How can URL parameters, like session IDs or tracking IDs, cause duplicate content?
When user and/or tracking information is stored through URL parameters, duplicate content can arise because the same page is accessible through numerous URLs. It's what Adam Lasnik referred to in "Deftly Dealing with Duplicate Content" as "store items shown (and -- worse yet -- linked) via multiple distinct URLs." In the example below, URL parameters create three URLs which access the same product page.

(click to enlarge)

Why should you care?
When search engines crawl identical content through varied URLs, there may be several negative effects:

1. Having multiple URLs can dilute link popularity. For example, in the diagram above, rather than 50 links to your intended display URL, the 50 links may be divided three ways among the three distinct URLs.

2. Search results may display user-unfriendly URLs (long URLs with tracking IDs, session IDs)
* Decreases chances of user selecting the listing
* Offsets branding efforts

How we help users and webmasters with duplicate content
We've designed algorithms to help prevent duplicate content from negatively affecting webmasters and the user experience.

1. When we detect duplicate content, such as through variations caused by URL parameters, we group the duplicate URLs into one cluster.

2. We select what we think is the "best" URL to represent the cluster in search results.

3. We then consolidate properties of the URLs in the cluster, such as link popularity, to the representative URL.

Consolidating properties from duplicates into one representative URL often provides users with more accurate search results.

If you find you have duplicate content as mentioned above, can you help search engines understand your site?
First, no worries, there are many sites on the web that utilize URL parameters and for valid reasons. But yes, you can help reduce potential problems for search engines by:

1. Removing unnecessary URL parameters -- keep the URL as clean as possible.

2. Submitting a Sitemap with the canonical (i.e. representative) version of each URL. While we can't guarantee that our algorithms will display the Sitemap's URL in search results, it's helpful to indicate the canonical preference.

How can you design your site to reduce duplicate content?
Because of the way Google handles duplicate content, webmasters need not be overly concerned with the loss of link popularity or loss of PageRank due to duplication. However, to reduce duplicate content more broadly, we suggest:

1. When tracking visitor information, use 301 redirects to redirect URLs with parameters such as affiliateID, trackingID, etc. to the canonical version.

2. Use a cookie to set the affiliateID and trackingID values.

If you follow this guideline, your webserver logs could appear as: - - [19/Jun/2007:14:40:45 -0700] "GET /product.php?category=gummy-candy&item=swedish-fish&affiliateid=ABCD HTTP/1.1" 301 - - - [19/Jun/2007:14:40:45 -0700] "GET /product.php?item=swedish-fish HTTP/1.1" 200 74

And the session file storing the raw cookie information may look like:


Please be aware that if your site uses cookies, your content (such as product pages) should remain accessible with cookies disabled.

How can we better assist you in the future?
We recently published ideas from SMX Advanced on how search engines can help webmasters with duplicate content. If you have an opinion on the topic, please join our conversation in the Webmaster Help Group (we've already started the thread).

Update: for more information, please see our Help Center article on canonicalization.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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