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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Update: The described feature is no longer available.

Wondering how to make your site more social? We'd like to make it easier for you, which is why earlier tonight at Campfire One at the Googleplex, we announced a preview release of Google Friend Connect.

Google Friend Connect is a service that that helps you grow traffic by enabling you to easily provide social features for your visitors. Just add a snippet of code, and, voilà, you can add social functionality -- picking and choosing from built-in functionality like user registration, invitations, members gallery, message posting, and reviews, as well as third-party applications built by the OpenSocial developer community.

Social features can generate buzz and traffic to your pages. Using Google Friend Connect on your site, your visitors will be able to see, invite, and interact with their friends from existing sources of friends, including Facebook, Google Talk, hi5, LinkedIn, orkut, Plaxo, and others. And you'll be able to more actively engage your visitors by adding social features from a growing gallery of social applications.

We've heard from many site owners that even though their sites aren't social networks, they'd still like them to be social. Whether your site sells car parts or dishes out great guacamole recipes -- like the sample site in the YouTube video above -- you can visit http://www.google.com/friendconnect/ or read more on the Official Google Blog to learn about Google Friend Connect. Right now, the preview is available for only a few sites, but soon we'll give the green light to even more. Sign up now to be on the wait list.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

Sebelumnya saya sudah menuliskan dalam artikel cari uang di internet semakin mudah dengan SEO bahwa pengunjung dari Google itu lebih mudah untuk diubah menjadi konsumen atau pembeli. Kenapa? Karena sejak awal mereka membuka Google, mereka memang sudah mencari produk yang kita tawarkan. Tinggal seberapa mampu anda meyakinkan mereka untuk membeli dari anda.

Adik saya mempunyai sebuah blog
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Welcome Go Daddy webmasters to the Google Webmaster Tools family! Today, we're announcing that Go Daddy, the world's largest hostname provider in the web hosting space, is working with us as a pilot partner so that their customers can more easily access Google Webmaster Tools. Go Daddy is a great partner, and we hope to educate more webmasters on how to make their site more search engine-friendly.

Go Daddy users will now see our link right in their hosting control center, and can launch Google Webmaster Tools directly from their hosting account. And Go Daddy makes the Google Webmaster Tools account creation process faster by adding the site, verifying the site, and submitting Sitemaps on behalf of hosting customers. Our tools show users how Google views their site, give useful stats like queries and links, diagnose problems, and share information with us in order to improve their site's visibility in search results.

As a continuation of these efforts, we look forward to working with other web hosting companies to add Google Webmaster Tools to their products soon.

And in case you're wondering, Webmaster Tools will stay 100% the same for current users. If you have questions or suggestions about our partnership with Go Daddy, let us know in our Webmaster community discussion groups.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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