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Seo Master present to you: Jika anda sudah pernah mendengar perkataan konsultan SEO bahwa meta description tidak berarti untuk mesin pencari, kini waktunya untuk mempertimbangkan lagi.

Bila mereka berkata bahwa Google dengan sepenuhnya mengabaikan etiket itu. Hal tersebut tidak seluruhnya benar.

Jika anda memahami bagaimana caranya menulis halaman judul berarti anda telah mengetahui bagaimana caranya menulis diskripsi halaman. Diskripsi halaman adalah bagian pertama yang kita berbicara tentang Page Meta Title artikel.

Kadang-kadang mesin pencari itu tidak menampilkan di dalam halamannya, hanya suatu potongan dari isi halaman.

Sebagai contoh, ketika Anda melihat di dalam gambar di bawah, ketika anda mencari-cari public relations di Google.com anda menemukan Wikipedia di posisi yang pertama, tetapi tidak ditampilkan meta tag nya.

Ini disebabkan karena mesin pencari yang cerdas mengenali isi dari halaman, jadi yang dimunculkan hanyalah terminologi yang paling relevan untuk suatu pencarian yang spesifik.

Google hanya mengindeks 156 karakter, jadi menulis description tak perlu terlalu panjang yang sangat panjang sangat tidak berguna. Seperti halnya judul halaman lebih panjang dari 67 karakter, itu merupakan hal yang tak berguna lho.

Bagaimana seharusnya kita menulis yang benar? Mungkin ini bisa menjadi acuan : tulis secara alami, dibiarkan teks mengalirkan dengan lembut dan tulisan kita dimengerti oleh pembaca.

Yang paling penting, meringkas isi dari halaman untuk pengunjung, sehingga mereka mengetahui persis apa yang akan mereka dapat ketika mereka menekan link yang menuju ke web kita.

Penempatan yang benar di dalam bagian <head> pada kode HTML, setelah judul halaman <tittle> dan sebelumnya </head>:

<- meta name="description" content="156 karakter dengan menggunakan kata kunci yang utama dan meyakinkan mesin pencari bahwa situs web kita layak dikunjungi." />


* Membuat keyword spesifik untuk tiap halaman. Yang yang berbeda untuk setiap halaman dari web.

* Jangan hanya menggunakan kata kunci saja. Gunakan kata kunci utama secara alami dan membentuk suatu kalimat.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

By Nils Hitze, GTUG Munich Founder, with Katie Miller, Google I/O Team

Google I/O 2012 is fast approaching, and to help energize you for three packed days of demos, announcements and developer fun, we chatted with a few attendees to see what excites them about this year’s agenda, and to get some tips on how to make the most of the event.

Today’s conversation is with Nils Hitze, the founder and leader of GTUG Munich, and organizer of this year’s I/O Extended event in Munich. Nils attended Google I/O in 2011. With the upcoming arrival of his fifth child, he’ll be attending the 2012 event from afar, and in the process offering a customized, community-oriented experience to local developers, complete with a BarCamp, Android Hackathon, and perhaps some beer! We asked Nils about the value of I/O Extended events, and what Munich’s attendees in particular can look forward to. Here’s what Nils had to say:

Why is it important to you to host I/O Extended?
I enjoy organizing events for people who are eager to learn. Plus, people think better and work better and are more creative when they are together in a room with fellow nerds (and maybe pizza, some beer, some Jolt Cola).

What's on the agenda for I/O Extended Munich?
In Munich we will cover days one and two of Google I/O. We will let people decide for themselves which sessions they want to watch. Usually it comes down to HTML5 and Android.

We add value to the public viewing by holding a BarCamp on Day 1 and an Android Hackathon on Day 2. The BarCamp is something I've done so often that I simply know it works. Bring together people that are passionate, give them a session plan and let them talk about the things they love. Of course we will have some limiting focus so we don't get "introduction to coffee roasting" as a session. Although that might be interesting too.

The Android Hackathon decision was based on the never-ending demand for Android Hacks/App/Developers and more.

What are you personally hoping to hear about this year?
Personally I want to learn more about ADK and Project Glass.

ADK, or more specifically Arduino, is such a cool project that I come across all the time. Either in QuadCopters, 3D printers, home automation - everywhere I look, Arduino is already there.

Project Glass, oh this is the easiest question to answer. It is the next level of UI and I need my hands free while cycling or when I play with my kids but I don't want to be disconnected from the Web. Plus one million cool things I could think of that would make life better/easier.

What's unique about I/O Extended Munich?
It is public viewing for nerds that is following the trend of public viewing for sports events. Also, maybe our beer steins...oh I already told too much.

androids and beer
Design by Dimitar Stoykow, stoykow.de

You've got another big life event right around I/O Extended. Why is it so important to you to attend I/O or an I/O Extended event?
For one, in comparison to any other tech conference I’ve attended, it's bigger. Skyscraper vs house bigger. And the amount of smart people that attend is incredible. Have I mentioned the cool robot stuff that I saw? No? That stuff was epic. Plus, I’ve never seen a party like this before.

Where on earth can you meet the guy who invented Hashtags & BarCamps? Yes, Chris Messina, I am looking at you.

Not coming to Google I/O 2012 in person? Not a problem. Watch the keynote and dozens of other sessions streamed live at developers.google.com/io.

Nils Hitze is a Lvl 50 Nerd Dad of four (almost five) kids and founder of the GTUG Munich, Germany's second GTUG. In his free time he is saving the world by evangelizing 3D printing, helping open source projects, translating MMOGs and organizing BarCamps/CloudCamps/GameCamps & TechTalks. He has a serious LEGO Problem which he doen’t want to get rid of. You can follow Nils at I/O Extended Munich at @kojote and gplus.to/gtugmunich.

Edited and posted by Katie Miller and Scott Knaster, Google I/O Team

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Bagi anda yang menggunakan blogger, anda dapat membikin Page Title lebih SEO friendly. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengubah letak dari Page Title, dengan cara meletakkan Page Title atau judul postingan sebelum nama blog.

1. Pilih Tata Letak --> Edit HTML --> centang "Expand Template Widget".

Tips : Sebelum melakukan edit template, sebaiknya simpan dulu template kamu yang ada dengan meng-klik tulisan Download Template Lengkap. Kemudian simpan dalam harddisk atau media penyimpanan lainnya, sehingga jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan kamu sudah memiliki back-up untuk mengembalikannya seperti semula.

2. Pada bagian atas akan terlihat
3. Kemudian ubah kode tersebut diatas dengan :

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item">
<b:section id='swaptitle'>
<b:widget id='Blog2' locked='false' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'>
<b:includable id='nextprev'/>
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<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
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4. Selanjutnya simpan Template

Sebelum melakukan pengubahan pada Template sebaiknya disimpan dulu Template yang lama.

Silahkan dicoba.

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Panduan SEO Menjadi nomor satu di Search Engine
Penulisan Meta Description2013, By: Seo Master
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