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Seo Master present to you:

Top Digital Marketing Interview Questions

Digital marketing is making waves these days as many companies that once used the traditional style of marketing are now going digital.  This is due to the benefits digital marketing offers.
Let us say, you are interviewing a digital marketing professional. In this scenario what are the top digital marketing interview questions that you could ask your potential hire. These questions will also help you if you are looking to be hired in a digital marketing role.

First, know what it takes to do the job.

Asking the right digital marketing interview questions is not that difficult.
As in any other interview, you need to align your questions to – what needs to be done in a job and then gauge the applicant’s ability to do the job.
Let us see what a digital marketing professional does.
She uses digital media (Facebook. Twitter, Pinterest, mobile etc.) to promote a brand, and to engage potential customers.
This is done by creating campaigns. So a digital marketing professional needs good understanding of the media (social/digital in this case) – have the planning and execution ability like any other marketing professional and – also should know her way around essential tools.
What is different here – is that a digital marketing professional – essentially does not need a lot of theoretical knowledge. You should be willing to hire somebody who is young and has good experience using social media and tools that engage and measure. It is OK to hire someone who is 21 – if she started using social media around 13 years of age. So that is around 8 years of experience.
Also taking a stock of your business goals helps – you can then align which part of your business goals – you want to achieve through your company’s digital marketing efforts.
With this, you should have the right mindset to plan your digital marketing interview questions.

Know what level you are hiring (being hired) for.

Questions will differ depending on the role you are hiring for.
If you are interviewing (or being interviewed) for role of Head – Digital Marketing then questions will differ than that for a digital marketing manager.
Head of Digital obviously should have a very good understanding of the digital marketing landscape – the media, tools for engagement, tools for  creation, and also how to measure effectiveness of various campaigns and impact of all these things on traffic (visitor to brand’s destination that can be a website, Facebook page or places like that. For web analytics this person needs to know more than Google Analytics.
Also it helps to be good at striking partnership to scale campaigns effective when the need comes.
digital marketing manager needs to be good at finishing assigned tasks quickly. Create proposals to be approved by the Head of Digital – being shown to CEO or Head of Marketing. Depending on reporting structure. She also needs to be good to work with a team of digital marketing executives and interns. This person should be a good executor – a plus if she can strategize too.
Now time to dig into some real life questions.

Sample Digital Marketing Interview Questions

These are the questions you should be ready to ask (or be asked) depending on whether you are the interviewee or interviewer.
  • How long you have been working online?
  • What companies you have worked with?
  • What are some of the highlights of your career?
  • Which social network you are most active on?
  • What is your plan for growing our business using digital marketing?
  • Are you are team worker or work better independently?
  • What are your thoughts about content marketing?
  • Do you think SEO is a part of digital marketing?
  • What tools do you use to create, manage and measure digital campaigns?
  • Do you blog?
  • Given a chance what will be your digital marketing plan for our brand – immediately after you join.
  • Which traffic is better – paid or organic?
  • Is it OK if we focus only on organic traffic, and do not invest in paid media?
  • If we go for paid media – where should be invest our money.
  • How much money do we need for an ideal digital marketing plan in a year?
  • What do you see as your goals during first 6 months of working with our company?
  • Any questions you want to ask?
Prepare around these questions, keep something handy to show – a report (printed will work good, people still love paper), and you should be able to handle a digital marketing interview well.

Other things that matter.

I do not need to tell you, that when you interview for a digital marketing role – you should be a heavy user of at least 1-2 of social network. Also have some understanding of importance of focusing on mobile (with some solid data points to discuss during interview).
Know about the person you are meeting with – and company you are interviewing for. if you are interviewing to hire someone – now about the companies/brands this person has worked for earlier.
Now go and do it icon smile Top Digital Marketing Interview Questions
And do not hesitate to ask any questions that come to your mind. Email me.
Consider me your friend icon smile Top Digital Marketing Interview Questions You can do that?
Be sure I will not interview you – just help with what I know.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Wisata ceria di Pulau Tidung adalah salah satu bentuk mengisi liburan sekolah tahun 2013 yang sangat menyenangkan. Hal ini disebabkan segala permainan dan objek wisata yang ditawarkan oleh pengelola taman wisata pulau Tidung memiliki karakter untuk mengajak kita semua sekeluarga yang berwisata ke sana memiliki keceriaan yang maksimal. Permainan wisata air yang seru akan membangkitkan kebahagiaan pengunjung yang hadir di pulau Tidung.
pulau tidung
Keceriaan dengan berwisata di pulau Tidung paling kelihatan saat kita bermain banana boat dan saat terjun melompat dari jembatan cinta pulau Tidung. Saat bermain dengan mengendarai banana boat, pasti ada saat perahu yang kita tumpangi yang berbentuk pisang ini akan terbalik. Hal ini memang selalu disengaja oleh pemilik perahu agar kita merasakan serunya bermain banana boat. Tetapi anda tidak perlu kuatir karena pemilik kapal sudah memperhitungkan segalanya. Perahu banana boat yang kita tumpangi di pulau Tidung akan dibalikkan saat kita melalui perairan yang dangkal. Dan sudah pasti kita tidak akan tenggelam karena masing-masing pengendara banana boat sudah dibekali jaket pelampung yang akan membuat kita selalu terapung di atas laut. Seru dan membuat kita ceria bukan?
Keceriaan berikutnya adalah saat kita terjun melompat dari jembatan cinta pulau Tidung. Seolah-olah ada peraturan yang tidak tertulis, siapapun yang namanya lelaki wajib melompat terjun dari atas jembatan cinta menuju perairan yang jernih di bawahnya. Deg-degan dan seru pastinya. Jembatan pulau Tidung yang memiliki ketinggian 3 meter ini cukup membuat acara liburan kita terisi dengan ceria.
Hal lain yang akan membuat liburan di pulau Tidung terasa istimewa adalah saat kita bersepeda berkeliling pulau Tidung. Suasana alam pedesaan yang asri yang dipenuhi pohon yang rindang sangat menyenangkan acara liburan kita. Udara yang segar dan tidak memiliki polusi akan membuat badan kita terasa sehat selama di pulau Tidung. Hal ini terjadi karena di pulau Tidung tidak ada hiruk pikuk kendaraan bermotor melintas. Pulau kecil ini hanya di isi dengan kendaraan tidak bermotor seperti sepeda dan becak. Liburan anda sangatlah berkesan jika anda mencoba berkunjung dan menikmati keindahan pulau Tidung
Demikian informasi tentang keindahan pulau tidung yang akan membuat acara wisata kita terasa lebih ceria di pulauTidung. Jika anda ingin berlibur ke pulau Tidung, silakan hubungi travel agent pada link di atas. Saat ini saya melihat mereka-lah yang memberikan layanan terbaik perjalanan wisata di pulau Tidung.
2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
In 2006 we ramped up on international webmaster issues and particularly tried to support Eastern Europe. We opened several offices in the region, improved our algorithms with respect to these languages, and localized many of our products. Should I find only one word to describe these markets, I would say they are diverse. Still, they have two things in common: their online markets are currently in a developing phase and a high number of webmasters and search engine optimizers work there in a variety of languages. We are aware that a certain amount of webspam is generated in this region and we would like to reinforce that we have been working hard to take action on it both algorithmically and manually. Since I have seen some common phenomena in a bunch of these markets, here are a couple of suggestions for Eastern European webmasters and SEOs:
  • Avoid link exchanges. If a fellow webmaster approaches you with some sketchy offer, just refuse. Instead, work on the content of your site. Once you have the quality content, you can use the buzzing blogger community and social web services in your language to get nice linkbaits. Creating good content for your language community will pay off. Help the high-quality people in your language community and they will re-power you.
  • Use regional and geographical domains in line with their purpose. First, a sidenote for the Western webmasters: some Eastern European countries like Poland and Russia have so-called regional or geographical domains. Imagine that all the states in the U.S. had their official second level domain and if you wanted to open your webshop delivering to Kentucky, you could do it cheap or for free on eg. ky.us. This could help Google serve geographically relevant search results. In case you wish to sell organic soaps to people in Szczecin, do open your webshop on szczecin.pl. If you are from Kalmykia and would like to show the world the beauty of your area, go ahead and set up your Kalmyki travel site on kalmykia.ru. If you like a region, support it by hosting your site on the related regional or geographical domain. Be aware that webspam on these regional domains violates the correct use of them and prevents the development of your country's web culture.
  • Say no to Cybersquats! Sneaky registering of strong online brands with Belarusian, Estonian or Slovak top level domains is just bad. While it will not particularly help you boost the ranking of your site, cybersquatting often has created disappointed users and legal actions as side effects.
  • Think long-term. You have your share of responsibility for the development of your market. Creating quality sites that target users who search for highly specific content in your particular language will help you get your market into a more mature status -- and mature markets mean mature publisher revenue too.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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