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Interesting Facts About SmartPhone
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Smartphones are amazing devices that have greater capabilities than supercomputers used to twenty to thirty years ago. Technology moves fast and technology that once needed to be housed in a large room now fits in your pocket. The amazing features of smartphones have become commonplace however and what once amazed us now just seems commonplace. Here are six facts that you didn't know about your smartphone that you may find amazing and compelling.

Usage Amongst Smartphone Owners:

Smartphones have been growing in popularity steadily ever since they were first introduced in 2001. It is estimated that the number of smartphones in existence by 2015 will be approximately 1.5 to 2 billion. That means that there is likely to be one smartphone for every six to seven people alive, which is quite amazing. In the United States, current smartphone usage equates to 35% of adults having a smartphone. People are also spending tons of time using their smartphones. On average, people check their smartphones 150 times per day which equates to once every six to seven minutes. What are people primary using smartphones for? That depends on the country that the user is living in. Usage tends to fluctuate widely from country to country though with social media being less popular in Japan and restaurant apps being more popular in the United States.

Apps have grown in popularity in recent years as well due to improved download speeds and an increase in the number of computer programmers designing new applications. Having said that, approximately 90% of apps that are downloaded are only used ten times or less once they are downloaded. What types of apps are being used by individuals? Approximately 60% of smartphones are used to play games though health apps are also prominently featured on many cell phones with approximately 90% of smartphones having a health or fitness app on it.

Cell Phone Costs:

Those text messages that you send do not cost your cell phone provider a thing. That is because the size of text messages are small enough to be inserted in data transfers by your cell phone provider that fit neatly into the spectrum that cell phone companies rent from the government. The space a text message uses is less than the space used to set up the transmittal of information between a call tower and a phone. As a result, the cost to a provider is zero and the amount you pay is all profit to a cell phone provider. The most expensive part of a smartphone is the screen. Touchscreens have grown in complexity and sensitivity and the cost of these screens have grown in accordance with these technologies. Gorilla glass, commonly used on iPhones and other smartphones are durable and sensitive to touch and have led to new functionality for smartphones. The presence of these sensitive touchscreens have led to a decrease in popularity of other input devices for smartphones including pens, points, physical keyboards, and scroll wheels, all of which were used when smartphones were first introduced to consumers.


Smartphones are continuing to revolutionize the cell phone world and have become ever more popular in recent years. While it is difficult to predict what direction smartphones will head, they are bound to become more powerful and add new functionality for users. As this occurs, expect smartphones to become even more common amongst users.

Author Bio:
Today's guest post was contributed by Brian S., article writer for i-Adapters.com. When Brian isn't busy blogging he likes enjoying the finer things in life.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

It is a useful trick to zoom your image. Sometimes we are trouble to see blogger picture ,because of its size. Now i share a new way to zoom your blog picture. Check it.

  • Log in to your Dashboard–> layout- -> Edit HTML
  • Click on “Expand Widget Templates”
  • Find </head> tag (Ctrl+F).
  • Now add below code before </head> tag.

<script src='http://wam8387.110mb.com/FancyZoom.js' type='text/javascript'/><script src='http://wam8387.110mb.com/FancyZoomHTML.js' type='text/javascript'/>

  • Then find “<body>” tag.Now replace the <body> tag with
<body onload='setupZoom()'>

Now save your template

2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Webmaster level: All

We consistently hear from webmasters that they have to prioritize their time. Some manage dozens or hundreds of clients’ sites; others run their own business and may only have an hour to spend on website maintenance in between managing finances and inventory. To help you prioritize your efforts, Webmaster Tools is introducing the idea of “site health,” and we’ve redesigned the Webmaster Tools home page to highlight your sites with health problems. This should allow you to easily see what needs your attention the most, without having to click through all of the reports in Webmaster Tools for every site you manage.

Here’s what the new home page looks like:

You can see that sites with health problems are shown at the top of the list. (If you prefer, you can always switch back to listing your sites alphabetically.) To see the specific issues we detected on a site, click the site health icon or the “Check site health” link next to that site:

This new home page is currently only available if you have 100 or fewer sites in your Webmaster Tools account (either verified or unverified). We’re working on making it available to all accounts in the future. If you have more than 100 sites, you can see site health information at the top of the Dashboard for each of your sites.

Right now we include three issues in your site’s health check:
  1. Have we detected malware on the site?
  2. Have any important pages been removed via our URL removal tool?
  3. Are any of your important pages blocked from crawling in robots.txt?
You can click on any of these items to get more details about what we detected on your site. If the site health icon and the “Check site health” link don’t appear next to a site, it means that we didn’t detect any of these issues on that site (congratulations!).

A word about “important pages:” as you know, you can get a comprehensive list of all URLs that have been removed by going to Site configuration > Crawler access > Remove URL; and you can see all the URLs that we couldn’t crawl because of robots.txt by going to Diagnostics > Crawl errors > Restricted by robots.txt. But since webmasters often block or remove content on purpose, we only wanted to indicate a potential site health issue if we think you may have blocked or removed a page you didn’t mean to, which is why we’re focusing on “important pages.” Right now we’re looking at the number of clicks pages get (which you can see in Your site on the web > Search queries) to determine importance, and we may incorporate other factors in the future as our site health checks evolve.

Obviously these three issues—malware, removed URLs, and blocked URLs—aren’t the only things that can make a website “unhealthy;” in the future we’re hoping to expand the checks we use to determine a site’s health, and of course there’s no substitute for your own good judgment and knowledge of what’s going on with your site. But we hope that these changes make it easier for you to quickly spot major problems with your sites without having to dig down into all the data and reports.

After you’ve resolved any site health issues we’ve flagged, it will usually take several days for the warning to disappear from your Webmaster Tools account, since we have to recrawl the site, see the changes you’ve made, and then process that information through our Web Search and Webmaster Tools pipelines. If you continue to see a site health warning for that site after a week or so, the issue may not have been resolved. Feel free to ask for help tracking it down in our Webmaster Help Forum... and let us know what you think!

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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