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Seo Master present to you: We've always believed users should have open and unencumbered access to their data, and Google Calendar is no exception. Whether through iCalendar, CalDAV, or the Calendar Data API, there are a multitude of options to access Calendar from other applications. However, developers have been asking for a way to extend the Google Calendar interface itself, and we've been listening.

Today, as part of Google Calendar Labs, we're opening up Google Calendar as a gadget container.

Gadget developers will already be familiar with most of this environment, complete with features such as OpenSocial for social networking and OAuth for working with third-party services. However, for the first time we're also providing an API to control and interact with the Calendar user interface. This means that even though your gadgets are running inside a sandbox, they are first-class elements of the Calendar user experience. In fact, many of the experiments we've made available through Calendar Labs were written using the publicly available gadget API.

We hope you'll share our excitement in opening up the Google Calendar interface. To get you started, take a look at the Sidebar Gadget documentation and sample code. If you have any questions or ideas for improvement, feel free to visit the Calendar API help group and let us know!

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Salah satu trik supaya kita mempunyai pelanggan setia pada blog yaitu adalah dengan memasang wiget online bookmark ini pada setiap posting artikel kita. jika ada pengunjung yang membookmark artikel kita maka alamat blog kita akan selalu terpajang di layar komputernya. maksudnya terpampang disini yaitu kamu bisa liat contoh di bawah ini :

Pengen juga pasang online bookmark, yuk mari ikutin tutorialnya ..
caranya gampang banget kq :

1. log in dulu di blogger

2. Pilih menu "LAYOUT" -----> "Edit HTML" lalu jangan lupa centang kotak "Expand Template Widgetnya"..

3. Back up dulu templatenya utk menghindari sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan..

4. Klo udah, selanjutnya kamu tinggal cari kode di bawah ini :
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->
5. Setelah ketemu, lalu kamu tinggal copy paste kode di bawah ini lalu simpan tepat di bawah kode diatas :
<div class='addthis'>
<div align='right'>
<!-- AddThis Bookmark Button BEGIN -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
addthis_url= &#39;<data:post.url/>&#39;; addthis_title = &#39;<data:post.title/>&#39;
addthis_pub = &#39;&#39;;
</script><script src='http://s7.addthis.com/js/addthis_widget.php?v=12' type='text/javascript'/>
6. Terakhir "Simpan Template"

Oke deh, mudah kan.. coba liat hasilnya.. udah muncul kan online bookmarknya..

Klo kamu pengen ganti letak dari online bookmarknya menjadi di kiri, kamu bisa ganti <div align='right'> kata "right" bisa diganti dengan "left"

contohnya lihat tombol di kanan pojok bawah postingan ini.......adakan? :)2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Mau tahu cara membuat tulisan terbalik di blog anda? :) baiklah saya coba tuk buat tutorialnya demi kalian semua.......

1. masuk ke http://www.techdo.com/write-upside-down/

2. Lalu tinggal masukin aja kalimat yang ingin kamu buat terbalik di kotak yang udah disediakan, seperti ini:

3. Klik "FLIP TEXT"

4. Terakhir copy hasilnya lalu paste di postingan blog kalian :)

5. Selesai sudah, nih contoh yang sudah jadi
buop uıʞı1ɐq ıp uɐbuɐظ ɥɐʍ
ayo siapa tahu bacaannya?????2013, By: Seo Master
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