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Seo Master present to you:

We take testing very seriously at Google. You may have seen our testing blog and how we even test on the toilet.

We also like to create automated tools to make our lives easier and in the testing world this can mean having code to watch your back.

We have released a new tool that we have been playing with, the Google Singleton Detector, as open source. Its job is to find singletons and global state in the Java code that we produce. But wait, why would I care to find out where singletons may be in my code? In some cases they can make testing difficult and hide problems with your design. There's a bit more to it than that, so check out the FAQ for more info.

Do you maintain Java code and need to keep it nice and clean? Give the singleton detector a try!

Many thanks to David Rubel and the team for creating this, and working to get it out into the open source world.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Seo Xp akan memberikan panduan untuk blogger yang templatenya masih berat berat alias loadingnya lama!
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nah disini saya mau membagian trik ini..

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NB: yang jika semua sudah dilakuan kemungkinan Tips Dan Trik Cara Mempercepat Loading Blog hanya berfungsi 65% saja, wahh lumayan kan..

Happy blogging Sobat Seo-xp2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Videos, presentations, and photos from our Google Developer Days in China and Japan are now live. China's event kicked off our 2009 GDDs in Beijing on June 5 and Japan's GDD was a few days later on June 9.
At each event, attendees had the opportunity to learn about products such as Android, Chrome, OpenSocial, and App Engine and interacted with Google developers during office hours. Developers even got a sneak peak of Google Wave!

2013, By: Seo Master
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