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Seo Master present to you:
By Phoebe Peronto, Developer Marketing Team

Attention, HTML5 developers! Open Call for Google Developer Day 2011 starts Tuesday, August 2 at 9AM PDT. Open Call is an opportunity to showcase your best work alongside developer peers from 8 GDD countries worldwide. Visit us online for a chance to showcase your work and earn a ticket to GDD 2011.

The HTML5 challenge launches Tuesday, August 2 at 9AM PDT with 1 week to complete. Submissions are due by Tuesday, August 9 at 5PM PDT and will be judged by regional panels of the most qualified developers worldwide. Judges will select the top 10 HTML5 submissions from each country to be featured online for Google Developer Day.

Just a friendly reminder that Open Call is an optional supplement to your GDD application, though you might get extra credit for participating.

Want more GDD news? Check out our website as we bring you the latest on locations, sessions, and agendas. Looking forward to seeing you at #gdd11!

Google Developer Day will come to eight cities around the world in 2011, bringing you the future in web and mobile technologies. These one-day events feature deep technical content on Google platforms and products from the teams that work on them. Join us for the latest developments in Android, Chrome, HTML5, App Engine and more in a city near you.

Phoebe Peronto is a Developer Marketing Intern working to coordinate the launch of Google Developer Days 2011. She hails from UC Berkeley as a rising senior studying Political Science and Business, and is excited to work with the Google team for summer 2011.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
By Keiko Hirayama, Google Tokyo

All is Not Lost is a new HTML5 music experience based on a three-way collaboration between the band OK Go, dance troupe and choreographers Pilobolus, and Google. In this music experience, you can embed your message in a music video, and have the band dance it out. The band and Pilobolous dancers are filmed through a clear floor, making increasingly complex shapes and eventually words – and messages you can write yourself.

This project principally employs HTML5’s <audio> and <video> tags, along with an event listener to ensure the correct sync of audio and visual components. A challenge, however, was balancing and syncing load, with the potential of too high a load and thus corresponding delays. As a result, we store movies with the <video> tag as a buffer, using the image object in Canvas 2D. The canvas image object allows us to draw the videos in perfect timing with the music and create a smooth experience throughout.

All is Not Lost is best experienced in Chrome -- check it out at allisnotlo.st.

Keiko Hirayama is a Senior Marketing Manager on the Google Chrome team in Tokyo. When she is not at work, she enjoys playing with her 2-year-old boy (but sometimes wishes she has her own time!)

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Belajar Seo Untuk Pemula kali ini akan memberikan tutorial Cara Mensubmit Artikel Ke Digg secara lebih detil sebagai salah satu upaya masuk Top 10 Google seperti yang sudah ku posting dengan judul Halaman Pertama Google dalam 3 Jam!. seperti yang sudah di jelasakan pada artikel tersebut salah satu cara untuk menaikan ranking di google dan masuk Top 10 Google adalah mengirim artikel ke Social Bookmark, dalam hal ini dipilih Digg.com yang merupakan salah satu situs social bookmark yang populer. .

Hal ini untuk menjawab salah satu komentar pada postingan halaman pertama google dalam 3 jam! beliau katakan:"Wah hebat banget nuch, cuma untuk submit ke digg saya belum pernah melakukan. nggak bisa :)", Sebagai jawaban atas komentar beliau aku akan menuliskan Cara Mensubmit Artikel Ke Digg. Meskipun ditulis hanya cara mensubmit artilek ke Digg, tapi tutorial ini juga bisa diaplikasikan pada situs social bookmark lainnya seperti Propeller, Reddit, Delicious, dan lain-lain.

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dan anda telah berhasil mengirim artikel ke Digg. tunggulah beberapa menit kemudian anda coba search di google judul artikel anda di Digg tadi (kalo perlu pake tanda kutip "...") biasanya untuk keyword yang belum ramai artikel anda sudah bisa masuk top 10 google.

Cara ini cukup baik bagi kamu yang suka ikutan kontes semacam kontes seo " Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa ". Tentu dengan pengembangan lagi yaitu dengan Mensubmit artikel ke social bookmark yang lain seperti Propeller, Reddit, Tagza, dll.

2013, By: Seo Master
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