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Seo Master present to you:
Over the months, we’ve had many requests to explain the way we rank applications in the orkut directory. Developers often wonder why one of their very popular apps doesn’t appear as high up in the directory as they believe it should. Well, it’s not exactly magic but simple math, and we wanted to share with you how our algorithm works out the rankings.

As you’d expect, we rely heavily on stats that tell us not only the number of users who have installed your app but also the number of users who actively use it. The number of installations is further broken down into the number of weekly as well as total installs. We hope you’ll agree that counting the number of users who uninstall your app is also crucial, since that is an indication of which apps didn’t live up to user expectations in some way and could be improved, and we lower the ranking score by a few points to account for the weekly uninstalls.

However, it’s not enough to judge the popularity of an application by the number of its installations alone – how often it actually gets rendered is a definite index of how addictive, useful and well-designed it is, and you can surely expect us to feed those numbers back into the formula, too!

Besides these, we think apps that users find good enough to put up on their home page should be given some weight, thus the number of weekly renders of those apps in profile view figures into our calculations too. We then add one last parameter to this equation: a popularity index that is a function of the weekly renders of each app over the number of it’s total installations.

In short, the formula looks something like this:

Total Score = Base Score + Popularity Score

Base Score = Score (total installs) + Score (weekly installs, adjusted for weekly uninstalls) + Score (weekly renders in canvas and profile views)

Popularity Score = Score(weekly renders / total installs)

We hope this gives you a clue to the “mystery”. We look forward to hearing your comments and feedback on the forum!
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: By Hillel Maoz, Google Visualization Team

We often forget, but the simple table is a visualization too. In fact, all of our visualizations are based on the DataTable structure - a table itself.

In order to make this most basic visualization more appealing and useful, we added formatters to our JS table. Take a look at this arrow-format example, great for visualizing stock quotes or anything else that goes up and down. :-)

For example, to produce this result:

Use this code:

  <script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.google.com/jsapi'></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>
google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages': ['table']});
function draw() {
// Create a datatable with your data.
var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Equity / Index');
dataTable.addColumn('number', '% Change');
var r = 0;
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Acme.com');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, 3.1, '3.1%');
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Brick & Mortar Groceries Inc');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, -2.43, '-2.43%');
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'S&P 500');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, 0.94, '0.94%');
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Dow Jones');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, 1.2, '1.2%');
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Nikkei');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, -0.23, '-0.23%');
// Create a table visualization.
var container = document.getElementById('table');
table = new google.visualization.Table(container);
// Apply a number formatter to the 2nd column.
var options = {'allowHtml' : true};
var formatter = new google.visualization.TableArrowFormat();
formatter.format(dataTable, 1);
// Draw the table visualization with the applied formatting.
table.draw(dataTable, options);

Or this example of Number Formatters, good for accountants and whoever likes numbers:

Which can be generated by this code:

  <script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.google.com/jsapi'></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>
google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages': ['table']});
function draw() {
// Create a datatable with your data.
var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Account', 'account');
dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Balance', 'balance');
var r = 0;
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Electronics');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, 12000);
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Appliances');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, -1000);
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Gadgets');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, -21000);
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Accessories');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, 5560);
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Casings');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, 13092);
// Create a table visualization.
var container = document.getElementById('table');
table = new google.visualization.Table(container);
// Apply an number formatter to the 2nd column.
var options = {'allowHtml' : true};
var formatter = new google.visualization.TableNumberFormat(
{prefix: '$', negativeColor: 'red', negativeParens: true});
formatter.format(dataTable, 1);
// Draw the table visualization with the applied formatting.
table.draw(dataTable, options);

And, lastly, this example of a bar-formatter, which can be used to visually show relative distances from an anchor-point:

Using this code:

  <script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.google.com/jsapi'></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>
google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages': ['table']});
function draw() {
// Create a datatable with your data.
var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Place', 'place');
dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Altitude', 'altitude');
var r = 0;
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Dead Sea');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, -420);
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Death Valley');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, -86);
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Mt. Everest');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, 8848);
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Mt. Kilimangaro');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, 5895);
dataTable.setCell(r, 0, 'Marianas Trench');
dataTable.setCell(r, 1, -10924);
// Create a table visualization.
var container = document.getElementById('table');
table = new google.visualization.Table(container);
// Apply an arrow formatter to the 2nd column.
var options = {'allowHtml' : true};
var formatter = new google.visualization.TableBarFormat(
{base: 0, showValue: true, min: 12000, max: 12000});
formatter.format(dataTable, 1);
// Draw the table visualization with the applied formatting.
table.draw(dataTable, options);

For the complete list of currently available formatters, see our Table documentation with included examples. We're working on more formatters, which we will announce on our discussion group when we make them available.

For more info on using and creating visualizations, visit our documentation pages.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Dengan senang hati belajar seo kali ini akan berbagi Tips Meningkatkan Trafik kunjungan ke Blog. Saya yakin tips ini akan membantu Anda, jika Anda terus dan konsisten melakukannya. Berikut tips meningkatkan trafik:

  • Berkomentar di blog lain: Telah terbukti bahwa komentar di blog lain bisa meningkatkan trafik ke blog Anda. Tinggalkan komentar yang baik hiasi dengan humor, karena orang suka humor.
  • Submit artikel Anda ke Situs Media Sosial: situs media sosial adalah tempat terbaik di mana Anda bisa mengirimkan artikel dan mendapatkan trafik ke blog Anda secara instan. Cobalah kirim artikel anda ke Digg, atau Propeller. Atau bisa juga ke sosial media lokal seperti infogue atau lintas berita.
  • Komentar pada komunitas online: Bergabung dan ambil bagian dalam forum online dan komunitas. Jangan lupa untuk menambahkan tanda tangan dengan URL blog Anda, untuk menjaring trafik ke blog anda
  • Bookmarking Artikel: Mintalah pengunjung Anda untuk menandai artikel. Situs seperti StumbleUpon, del.icio.us, Google Bookmarks dan del.irio.us bisa memberi Anda banyak lalu lintas.
  • Berinteraksi dengan pemberi komentar: Buatlah hubungan persahabatan dengan pemberi komentar blog anda. Selalu berusaha untuk membantu commenter dalam memecahkan masalah mereka, jika itu tidak mungkin, berikanlah link kepada mereka ke suatu tempat yang akan memecahkan masalah mereka, jangan khawatir tentang mereka meninggalkan situs Anda, jika mereka butuh bantuan Anda mereka akan kembali.
  • Menulis dengan Konsisten: Tulis setidaknya 3-5 artikel akal seminggu. Melakukan hal ini akan membuat pengunjung Anda mengerti bahwa Anda blogger yang berdedikasi, yang peduli untuk membantu. Jika Anda tidak cukup konsisten untuk menulis maka mengapa pembaca Anda akan konsisten untuk mengunjungi blog Anda.
  • Submit blog Anda di Blog Direktori: Kirimkan blog Anda ke Technorati, TechMeme, blogcatalog dan direktori blog lain. Blog direktori juga merupakan tempat di mana Anda bisa mendaftarkan blog Anda dan dapat meningkatkan trafik khususnya pada saat blog anda baru dibuat.
  • Buat link ke artikel lain: ini sangat banyak membantu pengunjung, juga termasuk tips meningkatkan trafik secara mudah, diharapkan mereka akan betah berlama-lama di blog anda.
  • Bersabarlah: Tips meningkatkan trafik yang terakhir ini adalah yang paling penting, ini memberitahu Anda untuk bersabar. Apa pun yang Anda lakukan, baik itu membangun rumah besar atau membuat satu juta dolar, semuanya butuh waktu, begitu pula usaha online. Pertimbangkan hal ini, jika Anda telah melangkah untuk Pemasaran Internet, maka Anda tidak terlibat secara kebetulan. Jika Anda cukup sabar untuk melewati periode awal kegagalan maka masa depan Anda akan penuh dengan warna keberhasilan.
Mudah mudahan tips meningkatkan trafik blog ini cukup membantu anda!
2013, By: Seo Master
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