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Seo Master present to you:

WinMacro is a simple Macro recorder/player for Windows written in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. It can record whatever you do at your Windows Desktop, and can replay them exactly. It doesn't record video, instead it uses windows hooking mechanisms to monitor your mouse and keyboard events, and plays them back. Therefore the recorded file is much smaller than what would be if you recorded live video, typically in the range of kilobytes.


winmacro v1.21



Download WinMacro Software: Click here (Alternate Link)



Download WinMacro from home : www.senthilthecoder.com





Are you happy now?…………………………


2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Create a 404 Page Not Found error page for BloggerFor user-friendly access to a page that does not exist in Blogspot, recently google has supported the navigation error and very helpful. This article will guide you in a different way to create 404 Page Not Found error page. One of Google's new update features to customize 404 error page. 404 (404 error) is a very common error messages, to inform the user when a web address is not found. Failure to find the things you want is an angry, to avoid annoying when readers get a message 404 dry sites often create a custom error page is beautiful or funny.

How do
1. Upgrade to a new type of interface, go to Settings / Search preferences and find a Custom Page Not Found   click Edit. Click to enlarge offline
Create a 404 Page Not Found error page for Blogger

<!-- Start-->     <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "error_page"'> <style> #error-not-found {     background: #ff0000;     background: url(http://www.matrixar.com/--Ri7FNhfPuU/T3p0_rWUvLI/AAAAAAAAHzU/v_V5cF2O9YM/s1600/bg_body.gif)no-repeat top center,-moz-radial-gradient(center 40%, circle cover, #ff0000 0%, #880000 100%);     background: url(http://www.matrixar.com/--Ri7FNhfPuU/T3p0_rWUvLI/AAAAAAAAHzU/v_V5cF2O9YM/s1600/bg_body.gif)no-repeat top center,-webkit-gradient(radial, center 40%, 0,  center 40%, 800, from(#ff0000), to(#880000) );             text-align:center;         position:fixed;         top:0px;         right:0px;         bottom:0px;         left:0px;         padding-top:270px;         z-index:999999; } #error-not-found  h1 {         font-size:640px!important;         position:absolute;         font-family:impact,sans serif!important;         top:70px;         left:50%;         letter-spacing: -8px;         margin-left:-502px!important;         width:960px;         z-index:-2;         color:rgba(0,0,0,.09)!important; } #error-not-found  h2 {         font-family:arial black,sans serif!important;         text-transform:uppercase;         font-size:81px;         line-height:66px!important;         letter-spacing: -3px;         color:#fff!important;         margin:0!important;         padding:0!important; } #error-not-found p a, #error-not-found p a:visited, #error-not-found p a:hover{         font-family:arial black,sans serif!important;         text-transform:uppercase;         font-size:56px;         line-height:40px!important;         border:none;         font-weight: bold;         color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)!important;         margin:0!important;         padding:0!important;         text-decoration:none!important; } </style> <div id='error-not-found'>  <h2>404</h2> <br/> <h2>Ups..sorry</h2>  <h2>Page Not Found</h2>  <p> <a href='/' title='Go Home'> Back Home page</a></p>             </div> </b:if>                <!-- end-->

2. Copy the code below into the window that appears and click the Save is complete.
Source: Thanks +Đinh Công Thành

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Do It Again is a free, simple program that allows you to make your computer automatically perform a task for you, whenever you want. Record a task (or macro) then sit back and watch as your computer automates that task, clicking the mouse and pressing the keyboard by itself. 

If there is something that you do on your computer over and over, and you do it exactly the same way every time (such as backing up your pictures, checking web-based email for new messages, etc.), you can tell Do It Again how to perform that task (by doing it once yourself to create the new task). Then you can run that task whenever you want and Do It Again will automatically click the buttons and press the keyboard keys (in exactly the same way as when you created the task), while you sit back and watch the task being performed on the screen.



do it again macro software from master hacks

This is also called macro or automation software, as it allows you to record a macro, then play it back to automate the actions of that macro.



Download Do It again Macro Software: Click here (Alternate link)






Enjoy with master hacks……………………



2013, By: Seo Master
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