Seo Master present to you: I'm sure many of you already know about Facebook Social Plugins (FSP) like Facebook Like Button, Facebook Recommendation, Facebook Comments etc. They serve as a good source of traffic since Facebook users share and post your blog into their wall. To install these plugins to Blogger or Wordpress, you will be asked for something called Javascript SDK.
What is Javascript SDKThe real name of Javascript SDK is Facebook SDK for Javascript. To make it simple, it helps you install and use any Facebook Social Plugins with a few lines of code. For example: To install Facebook like button without Javascript SDK, use this code: <iframe src="//" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:292px; height:590px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> But with Javascript SDK installed, you just need:<fb:like-box href="" width="292" show_faces="true" stream="true" header="true"></fb:like-box> Really cool, right?Do I Need To Install Javascript SDK For Every Facebook Plugins?Absolutely not! You only need to install it once.If you read tutorials about installing FSP to blog, every post contains some steps like "Create Facebook Application", "Adding Code" ("code" means Javascript SDK). Or when you install a plugins from Facebook Developers, the first step is always "Include the Javascript SDK". That does not mean you must install Javascript SDK everytime, you just need to do it once. Follow this post, and you can skip these steps forever from now on. How To Install Javascript SDK1. Create a Facebook ApplicationFacebook Application helps you manage and track your plugin. This also help you add more Administrator to manage plugin (especially for Facebook Comment) and more. Every Facebook Application comes with an App ID. When you provide this ID, it enables Facebook's Open Graph Meta Tags, which let you administer Facebook Pages for products (where you can share product updates and engage with customers who have "Liked" a product), and use Facebook Insights to track key metrics.When creating a new Facebook Application, we are not really building an actual app, we just need a App ID. Providing an App ID for use with the Social Widgets feature is recommended, but optional, so you can skip this step. Something you need to know about Facebook AppID:
Création des Logiciels de gestion d'Entreprise, Création et référencement des sites web, Réseaux et Maintenance, Conception