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seo Sitemap for Blogger and Wordpress 2013

Seo Master present to you:
What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a list of pages of websites that are available for crawlers of search engine to be accessed. In simpler word, its just a collection of all links on your blog at a place. When a crawler crawls your blog, it just read that list. Its necessary that you know your sitemap as many blog submission directories ask for your sitemap to be submitted. Even Google's webmaster tool asks you to submit your sitemap so that they can keep track of your blog. 

How to get a sitemap? 
To get your sitemap, just append  /robots.txt to your domain name and a short page will appear. 


You will get a web page like this. 

The link marked here is the sitemap for your blog. 
The above process is also applicable to Wordpress blogs.

However, the default sitemap will contain URL's of about 25 latest posts only. 
To include all your posts in the sitemap, 

[Your Blog URL]/feeds/posts/default?redirect=false&max-results=[Number of Posts]


To include 500 posts in the sitemap for my blog www.www.matrixar.com i will have a sitemap like, 

This will include 500 posts in the sitemap. 


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2013, By: Seo Master

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