Seo Master present to you:
What is your blog about? It could a personal diary where you write your personal stuff or could be following a specific niche or broad topic. However did you ever think about telling people what is your blog about? Generally, blog description is a concise description about your blog and it defines the purpose of your blog. Why it is so important? Usually people land on your blog viareferrals may doesn't really care about your blog description. Do they? They just interest about your content and if they inspired by your content, they will follow and come back to your blog. But people finding information via web search will probably give the description beneath your blog title in search results a look before they dig in to your blog. So meaningful and relevant blog description is necessary for people to find your blog useful for their requirements. Don't you have a blog description for your blog yet? Just indicating your blog description using text or at settings doesn't helpful for search engines to identify it as your blog description. You need to tell search engines about your blogdescription to display it underneath your blog title in search results. That's how it becomes a search description or snippet which displays in search results. Below is a snapshot of how my blog appears on Google search results.
Before You Go: <b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'> Steps:
7. Now add your blog description in the respective text area. Note: Make sure your blog description doesn't exceed 150 character limit. 8. Click on Save changes button. |
Labels: Blogs and Websites