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from web contents: Revamping the Webmaster Tools Help Center 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

A while ago, I posted in the Webmaster user group, looking for feedback on our Help Center and how we can improve the assistance we provide to our webmasters. And wow, did we get a a lot of feedback - both in the group and in the blogosphere. I'm amazed at the webmaster community and your willingness to share your thoughts with us: thank you!

Here's a selection of what we're hearing:

You want Help to be more discoverable

  • It's not as easy as it should be to find the information you're looking for. You'd like Google to do a better job of surfacing the answers to the most common questions. The browse structure doesn't make it easy for users to find help, and sometimes search depends on users knowing exactly the right term to search for.
  • You like the idea of context-sensitive help - on-the-spot assistance (often shown in a tooltip that appears when you hover over an item) that doesn't require you to click to a different Help page.
  • Right now, it's not clear when new Help information - or new features - are added, and you'd like Google to look at calling these out.

You want Help to be more useful

  • You'd like Google to look at adding videos and graphics
  • You'd like us to providing the kind of information that's relevant to the average webmaster, who may not have a deep knowledge of SEO techniques. You're looking for good and understandable answers to common questions.
  • You'd like us to expand the actual content, and do a much better job in explaining potential reasons why sites may have dropped the rankings.

What's next?

Well, over the next several weeks, we'll be working on lots of changes to the Help Center, both in its content and its organization. We'll be looking at all the feedback we've gotten, and we're taking it very seriously: believe me, I have a long task list for this area. But it can always grow: if you have some great thoughts or ideas, jump into the discussion, or just leave a comment right here.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Verification time savers —  Analytics included! 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: All

Nobody likes to duplicate effort. Unfortunately, sometimes it's a fact of life. If you want to use Google Analytics, you need to add a JavaScript tracking code to your pages. When you're ready to verify ownership of your site in other Google products (such as Webmaster Tools), you have to add a meta tag, HTML file or DNS record to your site. They're very similar tasks, but also completely independent. Until today.

You can now use a Google Analytics JavaScript snippet to verify ownership of your website. If you already have Google Analytics set up, verifying ownership is as simple as clicking a button.

This only works with the newer asynchronous Analytics JavaScript, so if you haven't migrated yet, now is a great time. If you haven't set up Google Analytics or verified yet, go ahead and set up Google Analytics first, then come verify ownership of your site. It'll save you a little time — who doesn't like that? Just as with all of our other verification methods, the Google Analytics JavaScript needs to stay in place on your site, or your verification will expire. You also need to remain an administrator on the Google Analytics account associated with the JavaScript snippet.

Don't forget that once you've verified ownership, you can add other verified owners quickly and easily through the Verification Details page. There's no need for each owner to manually verify ownership. More effort and time saved!

We've also introduced an improved interface for verification. The new verification page gives you more information about each verification method. In some cases, we can now provide detailed instructions about how to complete verification with your specific domain registrar or provider. If your provider is included, there's no need to dig through their documentation to figure out how to add a verification DNS record — we'll walk you through it.

The time you save using these new verification features might not be enough to let you take up a new hobby, but we hope it makes the verification process a little bit more pleasant. As always, please visit the Webmaster Help Forum if you have any questions.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Google Trifecta recording now available 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Last Tuesday, Google hosted an online presentation about three free tools to help analyze and improve your sites. Dubbed "The Google Trifecta," this presentation explains the key features of Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, and Google Website Optimizer, and how you can use them together.

To make the information from this presentation accessible to those who were unable to listen in last week or would like to review it again, we've put a recording of the session on YouTube for your viewing pleasure:

If you have any followup questions about the topics covered in the video, we welcome you to ask! Each of these products has a discussion group available for you to discuss the product with other users and Googlers. Please post in the appropriate group, so your question is seen by the right people:

Google Webmaster Help (Webmaster Tools)
Analytics Help
Website Optimizer Forum

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Taking advantage of universal search 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Yesterday, at Searchology, we unveiled exciting changes in our search results. With universal search, we've begun blending results from more than just the web in order to provide the most relevant and useful results possible. In addition to web pages, for instance, the search results may include video, news, images, maps, and books. Over time, we'll continue to enhance this blending so that searchers can get the exact information they need right from the search results.

This is great news for the searcher, but what does it mean for you, the webmaster? It's great news for you as well. Many people do their searches from web search and aren't aware of our many other tools to search for images, news, videos, maps, and books. Since more of those results may now be returned in web search, if you have content that is returned in these others searches, more potential visitors may see your results.

Want to make sure you're taking full advantage of universal search? Here are some tips:

Google News results
If your site includes news content, you can, submit your site for inclusion in Google News. Once your site is included, you can let us know about your latest articles by submitting a News Sitemap. (Note News Sitemaps are currently available for English sites only.)

News Archive results
If you have historical news content (available for free or by subscription), you can submit it for inclusion in News Archive Search.

Image results
If your site includes images, you can opt-in to enhanced Image search in webmaster tools, which will enable us to gather additional metadata about your images using our Image Labeler. This helps us return your images for the most relevant queries. Also ensure that you are fully taking advantage of the images on your site.

Local results
If your site is for a business in a particular geographic location, you can provide information to us using our Local Business Center. By providing this information, you can help us provide the best, locally relevant results to searchers both in web search and on Google Maps.

Video results
If you have video content, you can host it on Google Video, YouTube, or a number of other video hosting providers. If the video is a relevant result for the query, searchers can play the video directly from the search results page (for Google Video and YouTube) or can view a thumbnail of the video then click over to the player for other hosting providers. You can easily upload videos to Google Video or to YouTube.

Our goal with universal search is to provide most relevant and useful results, so for those of you who want to connect to visitors via search, our best advice remains the same: create valuable, unique content that is exactly what searchers are looking for.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Best practices for Product Search 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Webmaster Level: Beginner to Intermediate

If you run an e-commerce site and you'd like your products to be eligible to be shown in Google search results, then check out our "Product Search for Webmasters" video. In addition to the basics on Product Search, I cover:
  • Attributes to include in your feed
  • FAQs
    • Will my products' rankings improve if I include custom attributes in my feed?
    • Do product listings expire after 30 days?
    • How often should I submit my feed?

More information can be found in the Product Search Help Center.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: For Those Wondering About Public Service Search 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Update: The described product or service is no longer available. More information.

We recently learned of a security issue with our Public Service Search service and disabled login functionality temporarily to protect our Public Service Search users while we were working to fix the problem. We are not aware of any malicious exploits of this problem and this service represents an extremely small portion of searches.

We have a temporary fix in place currently that prevents exploitation of this problem and will have a permanent solution in place shortly. Unfortunately, the temporary fix may inconvenience a small number of Public Service Search users in the following ways:

* Public Service Search is currently not open to new signups.
* If you use Public Service Search on your site, you are currently unable to log in to make changes, but rest assured that Public Service Search continues to function properly on your site.
* The template system is currently disabled, so search results will appear in a standard Google search results format, rather than customized to match the look and feel of your site. However, the search results themselves are not being modified.

If you are a Public Service Search user and are having trouble logging in right now, please sit tight. As soon as the permanent solution is in place the service will be back on its feet again. In the meantime, you will still be able to provide site-specific searches on your site as usual.

Google introduced this service several years ago to support universities and non-profit organizations by offering ad-free search capabilities for their sites. Our non-profit and university users are extremely important to us and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please post any questions or concerns in our webmaster discussion forum and we'll try our best to answer any questions you may have.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Webmasters - configure Google services at your hosting panel 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: All

Today, as announced on the Official Google Blog, we’ve taken an additional step to improve access to Google webmaster services. Parallels, one of the leading providers of control panel software to hosting companies, has integrated Google Services for Websites into Parallels Plesk Panel, used by millions of website owners globally to manage their websites.

If you use Plesk for managing your hosting and website services, you can easily configure Webmaster Tools, Custom Search, Site Search, Web Elements and AdSense for your website right from within Plesk.

Since Plesk knows what domains you own, it automatically registers your domains to Webmaster Tools and allows you to automatically login to the Webmaster Tools console to verify your sites, as shown below.

We’re always trying to make our tools easier to use and easier to access. Since you’re probably visiting your hosting control panel on a regular basis, we hope that you find this integration convenient. If you have feedback please let us know in the Webmaster Forum.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Clicks and impressions for authors 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: All
(Cross-posted on the Inside Search Blog)

With the latest improvements to the way authorship annotations look in search and the addition of authorship to Google News, authors have been really excited about getting more visibility, and users benefit from seeing the name, photo, and way to connect with the person who created the content.

Authors have also been giving us a lot of feedback on what else they'd like to see, so today we're introducing “Author Stats” in Webmaster Tools that shows you how often your content is showing up on the Google search results page. If you associate your content with your Google Profile either via e-mail verification or a simple link, you can visit Webmaster Tools to see how many impressions and clicks your content got on the Google search results page. Check out what Matt Cutts would see for his content:

To see your information, go to google.com/webmasters and login with the same username you use for your Google+ Profile. On the left hand panel, you can see “Author Stats” under the “Labs” section. This is an experimental feature so we’re continuing to iterate and improve, but we wanted to get early feedback from you. You can e-mail us at authorship-pilot@google.com if you run into any issues or have feedback.

If you’re a content creator interested in learning more about authorship, check out our Help Center.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Subscriber stats and more 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
We're unrolling some exciting new features in Webmaster Tools.

First of all, subscriber stats are now available. Webmaster Tools now show feed publishers the number of aggregated subscribers you have from Google services such as Google Reader, iGoogle, and Orkut. We hope this will make it easier to track subscriber statistics across multiple feeds, as well as offer an improvement over parsing through server logs for feed information.

To improve the navigation and look and feel, we've also made some changes to the interface, including:
  • No more tabs! Navigate through the new sidebar.
  • Breadcrumbs in the page title for easier product navigation.
  • A sidebar that expands and contracts to show and hide options based on your current goal.
  • New sidebar topics: Overview, Diagnostics, Statistics, Links, Sitemaps, and Tools.
And last but not least, Webmaster Tools is now available in 20 languages! In addition to US English, UK English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Russian, Japanese, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Polish, Webmaster Tools are now in Turkish and Romanian.

Sign in to see these changes for yourself. For questions or feedback, please post in the Google Webmaster Tools section of our Webmaster Help Group.

Update: some of the functionality described in this post is no longer available. More information.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Answering the top questions from government webmasters 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster level: Beginner - Intermediate

Government sites, from city to state to federal agencies, are extremely important to Google Search. For one thing, governments have a lot of content — and government websites are often the canonical source of information that’s important to citizens. Around 20 percent of Google searches are for local information, and local governments are experts in their communities.

That’s why I’ve spoken at the National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) national conference for the past few years. It’s always interesting speaking to webmasters about search, but the people running government websites have particular concerns and questions. Since some questions come up frequently I thought I’d share this FAQ for government websites.

Question 1: How do I fix an incorrect phone number or address in search results or Google Maps?

Although managing their agency’s site is plenty of work, government webmasters are often called upon to fix problems found elsewhere on the web too. By far the most common question I’ve taken is about fixing addresses and phone numbers in search results. In this case, government site owners really can do it themselves, by claiming their Google+ Local listing. Incorrect or missing phone numbers, addresses, and other information can be fixed by claiming the listing.

Most locations in Google Maps have a Google+ Local listing — businesses, offices, parks, landmarks, etc. I like to use the San Francisco Main Library as an example: it has contact info, detailed information like the hours they’re open, user reviews and fun extras like photos. When we think users are searching for libraries in San Francisco, we may display a map and a listing so they can find the library as quickly as possible.

If you work for a government agency and want to claim a listing, we recommend using a shared Google Account with an email address at your .gov domain if possible. Usually, ownership of the page is confirmed via a phone call or post card.

Question 2: I’ve claimed the listing for our office, but I have 43 different city parks to claim in Google Maps, and none of them have phones or mailboxes. How do I claim them?

Use the bulk uploader! If you have 10 or more listings / addresses to claim at the same time, you can upload a specially-formatted spreadsheet. Go to www.google.com/places/, click the "Get started now" button, and then look for the "bulk upload" link.

If you run into any issues, use the Verification Troubleshooter.

Question 3: We're moving from a .gov domain to a new .com domain. How should we move the site?

We have a Help Center article with more details, but the basic process involves the following steps:
  • Make sure you have both the old and new domain verified in the same Webmaster Tools account.
  • Use a 301 redirect on all pages to tell search engines your site has moved permanently.
    • Don't do a single redirect from all pages to your new home page — this gives a bad user experience.
    • If there's no 1:1 match between pages on your old site and your new site (recommended), try to redirect to a new page with similar content.
    • If you can't do redirects, consider cross-domain canonical links.
  • Make sure to check if the new location is crawlable by Googlebot using the Fetch as Google feature in Webmaster Tools.
  • Use the Change of Address tool in Webmaster Tools to notify Google of your site's move.
  • Have a look at the Links to Your Site in Webmaster Tools and inform the important sites that link to your content about your new location.
  • We recommend not implementing other major changes at the same time, like large-scale content, URL structure, or navigational updates.
  • To help Google pick up new URLs faster, use the Fetch as Google tool to ask Google to crawl your new site, and submit a Sitemap listing the URLs on your new site.
  • To prevent confusion, it's best to retain control of your old site’s domain and keep redirects in place for as long as possible — at least 180 days.
What if you’re moving just part of the site? This question came up too — for example, a city might move its "Tourism and Visitor Info" section to its own domain.

In that case, many of the same steps apply: verify both sites in Webmaster Tools, use 301 redirects, clean up old links, etc. In this case you don't need to use the Change of Address form in Webmaster Tools since only part of your site is moving. If for some reason you’ll have some of the same content on both sites, you may want to include a cross-domain canonical link pointing to the preferred domain.

Question 4: We've done a ton of work to create unique titles and descriptions for pages. How do we get Google to pick them up?

First off, that's great! Better titles and descriptions help users decide to click through to get the information they need on your page. The government webmasters I’ve spoken with care a lot about the content and organization of their sites, and work hard to provide informative text for users.

Google's generation of page titles and descriptions (or "snippets") is completely automated and takes into account both the content of a page as well as references to it that appear on the web. Changes are picked up as we recrawl your site. But you can do two things to let us know about URLs that have changed:
  • Submit an updated XML Sitemap so we know about all of the pages on your site.
  • In Webmaster Tools, use the Fetch as Google feature on a URL you’ve updated. Then you can choose to submit it to the index.
    • You can choose to submit all of the linked pages as well — if you’ve updated an entire section of your site, you might want to submit the main page or an index page for that section to let us know about a broad collection of URLs.

Question 5: How do I get into the YouTube government partner program?

For this question, I have bad news, good news, and then even better news. On the one hand, the government partner program has been discontinued. But don’t worry, because most of the features of the program are now available to your regular YouTube account. For example, you can now upload videos longer than 10 minutes.

Did I say I had even better news? YouTube has added a lot of functionality useful for governments in the past year: I hope this FAQ has been helpful, but I’m sure I haven’t covered everything government webmasters want to know. I highly recommend our Webmaster Academy, where you can learn all about making your site search-engine friendly. If you have a specific question, please feel free to add a question in the comments or visit our really helpful Webmaster Central Forum.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Helping you break the language barrier 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
When webmasters put content out on the web it's there for the world to see. Unfortunately, most content on the web is only published in a single language, understandable by only a fraction of the world's population.

In a continued effort to make the world's information universally accessible, Google Translate has a number of tools for you to automatically translate your content into the languages of the world.

Users may already be translating your webpage using Google Translate, but you can make it even easier by including our "Translate My Page" gadget, available at http://translate.google.com/translate_tools.

The gadget will be rendered in the user's language, so if they come to your page and can't understand anything else, they'll be able to read the gadget, and translate your page into their language.

Sometimes there may be some content on your page that you don't want us to translate. You can now add class=notranslate to any HTML element to prevent that element from being translated. For example, you may want to do something like:
Email us at <span class="notranslate">sales at mydomain dot com</span>
And if you have an entire page that should not be translated, you can add:
<meta name="google" value="notranslate">
to the <head> of your page and we won't translate any of the content on that page.

Update on 12/15/2008: We also support:
<meta name="google" content="notranslate">
Thanks to chaoskaizer for pointing this out in the comments. :)

Lastly, if you want to do some fancier automatic translation integrated directly into your page, check out the AJAX Language API we launched last March.

With these tools we hope you can more easily make your content available in all the languages we support, including Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: FYI on Google Toolbar's latest features 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

The latest version of Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer (beta) just added a neat feature to help users arrive at your website, or at least see your content, even when things go awry.

It's frustrating for your users to mistype your URL and receive a generic "404 - Not Found" or try to access a part of your site that might be down.

Regardless of your site being useful and information-rich, when these issues arise, most users just move on to something else.  The latest release of Google Toolbar, however, helps users by detecting site issues and providing alternatives.

Website Optimizer or Website Optimiser? The Toolbar can help you find it even if you try "google.cmo" instead of "google.com".

3 site issues detected by Google Toolbar

  1. 404 errors with default error pages
    When a visitor tries to reach your content with an invalid URL and your server returns a short, default error message (less than 512 bytes), the Toolbar will suggest an alternate URL to the visitor. If this is a general problem in your website, you will see these URLs also listed in the crawl errors section of your Webmaster Tools account.

    If you choose to set up a custom error page, make sure it returns result code 404. The content of the 404 page can help your visitors to understand that they tried to reach a missing page and provides suggestions regarding how to find the content they were looking for. When a site displays a custom error page the Toolbar will no longer provide suggestions for that site. You can check the behavior of the Toolbar by visiting an invalid URL on your site with the Google Toolbar installed.

  2. DNS errors
    When a URL contains a non-existent domain name (like www.google.cmo), the Toolbar will suggest an alternate, similar looking URL with a valid domain name. 

  3. Connection failures
    When your server is unreachable, the Google Toolbar will automatically display a link to the cached version of your page. This feature is only available when Google is not explicitly forbidden from caching your pages through use of a robots meta tag or crawling is blocked on the page through the robots.txt file. If your server is regularly unreachable, you will probably want to fix that first; but it may also be a good idea to check the Google cache for your pages by looking at the search results for your site.

Suggestions provided by the Google Toolbar

When one of the above situations is found, the Toolbar will try to find the most helpful links for the user. That may include:
  • A link to the corrected URL
    When the Toolbar can find the most probable, active URL to match the user's input (or link they clicked on), it will display it right on top as a suggestion. The correction can be somewhere in the domain name, the path or the file name (the Toolbar does not look at any parameters in the URL).

  • A link to the cached version of the URL
    When Toolbar recognizes the URL in the Google cache, it will display a link to the cached version. This is particularly useful when the user can't access your pages for some reason. As mentioned above, Google may cache your URLs provided you're not explicitly forbidding this through use of a robots meta tag or the robots.txt file.

  • A link to the homepage or HTML site map of your site
    Sometimes going to the homepage or a site map page is the best way to find the page that a user is really looking for. Site map pages (these are not XML Sitemap files) are generally recognized based on the file name; if the Toolbar can find something called "sitemap.html" or similar, this page will probably be recognized as the site map page. Don't worry if your site map page is called something else; if a user decides to go to your homepage, they'll probably find it right away even if the Toolbar doesn't spot it.

  • A link to a higher level folder
    Sometimes the homepage or site map page is too far out and the user would be better off just going one step up in the hierarchy. When the Toolbar can recognize that your site's structure is based on folders and sub-folders, it may suggest a page one step back.

  • A search within your site for keywords found in the URL
    It's a good practice to use descriptive URLs. If the Toolbar can recognize keywords within the URL which the user tried to access, it will link to a site-search with those keywords. Even if the URL has changed significantly in the meantime, the search may be able to find similar content based on those keywords. For instance, if the URL was http://example.com/party-gifts/holidays/ it will suggest a search for the words "party", "gifts" and "holidays" within the site example.com.

  • An open Google search box
    If all else fails, there's always a chance that similar content already exists elsewhere on the web. The Google web search can help your users to find it - the Toolbar will help you by adding the keywords found in the URL to the search box.

Are you curious already? Download the Google Toolbar for your browser and give it a try on your site!

To discuss how this feature can help visitors to your site, jump in to our Google Webmaster Help Group; or for general Google Toolbar questions, try the Toolbar group for Internet Explorer or the Toolbar group for Firefox.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Google Friend Connect - Now in 47 new languages 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Update: The described product or service is no longer available.

Have you been holding off on using Google Friend Connect because your site isn't in English? Starting today, Friend Connect is available in 47 new languages, including French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi and Portuguese. Now you can easily add social features that match the language of other content on your site.

Most Google-created gadgets (such as the members, comments, and recommendation gadgets) are now available in these new languages. Some developers have also created gadgets that support additional languages and we hope that there will be more to come in the future. To see a list of gadgets available in your language, visit the gadget gallery.

When you add Friend Connect to a new site, it will default to your primary language. But if your site is in another language, simply select it on the site settings tab and Friend Connect will automatically render the gadgets in that language. And if have multiple sites in different languages, you can select a different language for each of your sites.

To learn more or see the full list of languages, check out the Social Web Blog.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Expanding the webmaster central team 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: You've probably already figured this out if you use webmaster tools, the webmaster help center, or our webmaster discussion forum, but the webmaster central team is a fantastic group of people. You have seen some of them helping out in the discussion forums, and you may have met a few more at conferences, but there are lots of others behind the scenes who you don't see, working on expanding webmaster tools, writing content, and generally doing all they can for you, the webmaster. Even the team members you don't see are paying close attention to your feedback: reading our discussion forum, as well as blogs and message boards. We introduced you to a few of the team before SES NY and Danny Sullivan told you about a few Googler alternatives before SES Chicago. We also have several interns working with us right now, including Marcel, who seems to have been the hit of the party at SMX Advanced.

I am truly pleased to welcome a new addition to the team, although she'll be a familiar face to many of you already. Susan Moskwa is joining Jonathan Simon as a webmaster trends analyst! She's already started posting on the forums and is doing lots of work behind the scenes. Jonathan does a wonderful job answering your questions and investigating issues that come up and he and Susan will make a great team. Susan is a bit of a linguistic genius, so she'll also be helping out in some of the international forums, where Dublin Googlers have started reading and replying to your questions. Want to know more about Susan? You just never know what you find when you do a Google search.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Update on Public Service Search 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Public Service Search is a service that enables non-profit, university, and government web sites to provide search functionality to their visitors without serving ads. While we've stopped accepting new Public Service Search accounts, if you want to add the functionality of this service to your site, we encourage you to check out the Google Custom Search Engine. Note that if you already have a Public Service Search account, you'll be able to continue offering search results on your site.

A Custom Search Engine can provide you with free web search and site search with the option to specify and prioritize the sites that are included in your search results. You can also customize your search engine to match the look and feel of your site, and if your site is a non-profit, university, or government site, you can choose not to display ads on your results pages.

You have two opportunities to disable ads on your Custom Search Engine. You can select the "Do not show ads" option when you first create a Custom Search Engine, or you can follow the steps below to disable advertising on your existing Custom Search Engine:

1. Click the "My search engines" link on the left-hand side of the Overview page.
2. Click the "control panel" link next to the name of your search engine.
3. Under the "Preferences" section of the Control panel page, select the Advertising status option that reads "Do not show ads on results pages (for non-profits, universities, and government agencies only)."
4. Click the "Save Changes" button.

Remember that disabling ads is available only for non-profit, university, and government sites. If you have a site that doesn't fit into one of these categories, you can still provide search to your visitors using the Custom Search Engine capabilities.

For more information or help with Custom Search Engines, check out the FAQ or post a question to the discussion group.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Create and manage Custom Search Engines from within Webmaster Tools 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster level: All

Custom Search Engines (CSEs) enable you to create Google-powered customized search experiences for your sites. You can search over one or more sites, customize the look and feel to match your site, and even make money with AdSense for Search. Now it’s even easier to get started directly from Webmaster Tools.

If you’ve never created a CSE, just click on the “Custom Search” link in the Labs section and we’ll automatically create a default CSE that searches just your site. You can do some basic configuring or immediately get the code snippet to add your new CSE to your site. You can always continue on to the full CSE control panel for more advanced settings.

Once you’ve created your CSE (or if you already had one), clicking the “Custom Search” link in Labs will allow you to manage your CSEs without leaving Webmaster Tools.

We hope these new features make it easier for you to help users search your site. If you have any questions, please post them in our Webmaster Help Forum or the Custom Search Help Forum.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: New tools for Google Services for Websites 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: All
(A nearly duplicate version :) cross-posted on the Official Google Blog)

Earlier this year, we launched Google Services for Websites, a program that helps partners, e.g., web hoster and access providers, offer useful and powerful tools to their customers. By making services, such as Webmaster Tools, Custom Search, Site Search and AdSense, easily accessible via the hoster control panel, hosters can easily enable these services for their webmasters. The tools help website owners understand search performance, improve user retention and monetize their content — in other words, run more effective websites.

Since we launched the program, several hosting platforms have enhanced their offerings by integrating with the appropriate APIs. Webmasters can configure accounts, submit Sitemaps with Webmaster Tools, create Custom Search Boxes for their sites and monetize their content with AdSense, all with a few clicks at their hoster control panel. More partners are in the process of implementing these enhancements.

We've just added new tools to the suite:
  • Web Elements allows your customers to enhance their websites with the ease of cut-and-paste. Webmasters can provide maps, real-time news, calendars, presentations, spreadsheets and YouTube videos on their sites. With the Conversation Element, websites can create more engagement with their communities. The Custom Search Element provides inline search over your own site (or others you specify) without having to write any code and various options to customize further.
  • Page Speed allows webmasters to measure the performance of their websites. Snappier websites help users find things faster; the recommendations from these latency tools allow hosters and webmasters to optimize website speed. These techniques can help hosters reduce resource use and optimize network bandwidth.
  • The Tips for Hosters page offers a set of tips for hosters for creating a richer website hosting platform. Hosters can improve the convenience and accessibility of tools, while at the same time saving platform costs and earning referral fees. Tips include the use of analytics tools such as Google Analytics to help webmasters understand their traffic and linguistic tools such as Google Translate to help websites reach a broader audience.
If you're a hoster and would like to participate in the Google Services for Websites program, please apply here. You'll have to integrate with the service APIs before these services can be made available to your customers, so the earlier you start that process, the better.

And if your hosting service doesn't have Google Services for Websites yet, send them to this page. Once they become a partner, you can quickly configure the services you want at your hoster's control panel (without having to come to Google).

As always, we'd love to get feedback on how the program is working for you, and what improvements you'd like to see.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Analytics - Another tool for webmasters 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster tools from Google are indispensable for people who optimize their site for indexing in Google. Eighteen months ago, Google launched another free tool for webmasters - Google Analytics - which tells you about your visitors and the traffic patterns to your site using a JavaScript code snippet to execute tracking and reporting. This past Tuesday, Google Analytics launched a new version, with an easier-to-use interface that has more intuitive navigation and greater visibility for important metrics. We also introduced some collaboration and customization features such as email reports and custom dashboards.

But we wanted to highlight some of the webmaster-specific metrics within Google Analytics for our regular readers, since it offers a lot of easily-accessible information that will enrich the work you're doing.

For instance, do you know how many visitors to your site are using IE versus Firefox? And even further, how many of those IE or Firefox users are converting on a goal you have set up? Google Analytics can tell you information like this so you can prepare and tailor your website for your audience. Then, when you are designing, you can prioritize your testing to make sure that the site works on the most popular browsers and operating systems first.

Are your visitors using Java-enabled browsers? What version of Flash are the majority of your visitors using? What connection speed do they have? If you find that lots of visitors are using a dial-up service, you're going to want to put in some more effort to streamline the load time of images on your site, for example.

Plus, Google Analytics will make your company's marketing division very happy. It reports on the most effective search keywords, the most popular referring sources and the geographic location of visitors, as well as the performance of banner ads, PPC keyword campaigns, and email newsletters. If you haven't tried Google Analytics, watch the Flash tour of the product or set up a free account now and see statistics on your visitors and the traffic to your site within three hours.

Posted by Jeff Gillis, Google Analytics Teamthis is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Got a website? Get gadgets. 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Google Gadgets are miniature-sized devices that offer cool and dynamic content -- they can be games, news clips, weather reports, maps, or most anything you can dream up. They've been around for a while, but their reach got a lot broader last week when we made it possible for anyone to add gadgets to their own webpages. Here's an example of a flight status tracker, for instance, that can be placed on any page on the web for free.

Anyone can search for gadgets to add to their own webpage for free in our directory of gadgets for your webpage. To put a gadget on your page, just pick the gadget you like, set your preferences, and copy-and-paste the HTML that is generated for you onto your own page.

Creating gadgets for others isn't hard, either, and it can be a great way to get your content in front of people while they're visiting Google or other sites. Here are a few suggestions for distributing your own content on the Google homepage or other pages across the web:

* Create a Google Gadget for distribution across the web. Gadgets can be most anything, from simple HTML to complex applications. It’s easy to experiment with gadgets – anyone with even a little bit of web design experience can make a simple one (even me!), and more advanced programmers can create really snazzy, complex ones. But remember, it’s also quick and easy for people to delete gadgets or add new ones too their own pages. To help you make sure your gadget will be popular across the web, we provide a few guidelines you can use to create gadgets. The more often folks find your content to be useful, the longer they'll keep your gadget on their pages, and the more often they’ll visit your site.

* If your website has a feed, visitors can put snippets of your content on their own Google homepages quickly and easily, and you don't even need to develop a gadget. However, you will be able to customize their experience much more fully with a gadget than with a feed.

* By putting the “Add to Google” button in a prominent spot on your site, you can increase the reach of your content, because visitors who click to add your gadget or feed to Google can see your content each time they visit the Google homepage. Promoting your own gadget or feed can also increase its popularity, which contributes to a higher ranking in the directory of gadgets for the Google personalized homepage.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Sorting and Filtering Results in Custom Search 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster level: All
(Cross-posted on the Custom Search Blog)

Using Custom Search Engine (CSE), you can create rich search experiences that make it easier for visitors to find the information they’re looking for on your site. Today we’re announcing two improvements to sorting and filtering of search results in CSE.

First, CSE now supports UI-based results sorting, which you can enable in the Basics tab of the CSE control panel. Once you’ve updated the CSE element code on your site, a “sort by” picker will become visible at the top of the results section.

By default CSE supports sorting by date and relevance. In the control panel, you can specify additional “sort by” keys that are based on the structure of your site’s content, giving users more options to find the results that are most relevant to them. For example, if you’ve marked up pages for product rich snippets, you could enable sorting based on price as shown below:

Second, we’re introducing compact queries for filtering by attribute. Currently you can issue a query like
[more:pagemap:product-description:search more:pagemap:product-description:engine]
which will only show pages with a ‘product-description’ attribute that contains both ‘search’ and ‘engine’.

With a compact query, you can issue the same request as:

We hope these new features help you create richer and more useful search experiences for your visitors. As always, if you have any questions or feedback please let us know via our Help Forum.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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